
Chapter 3

Mr.Richard then explained everything to Arthur how this world works and about alexandrite . Richard took him to meet other people who can help him , but as he's a human they would be wary or cautious of him . 

So he decided to show him to everyone . He sent the word around that he has something important announcement for people at wasteland so they all should gather in front of his place . 

Then everyone came . Richard was sitting on his throne . '' People i have called you out here for a important matter , i have a new friend to introduce who came from the human world '' he said . 

''A human ''' they whispered . '' No need to be cautious come here '' said he . Arthur came . '' What' this about ? what is a human doing in this sacred palce ?'' asked one werewolf . 

'' Yeah answer '' said one fairy . '' Silence , this human is a special one he has the book which has things written abou wasteland here that's why i have decided to let him stay here and he won't cause us any harm i gurantee '' he spoke loudly . 

'' If he does can i kill him ?'' asked one horned man . '' Yes tear him into pieces '' replied Richard . Arthur was quite frightened by all of this but he kept his head high . 

'' Why did he came here then ?'' asked one witch . '' To research on al;chemy '' he spoke . '' ALCHEMY '' they all whispered . '' Are you daydreaming you want to learn alchemy ? no one can use it here '' said one giant . 

'' But my father discovered it i can too '' replied Arthur . '' Yes as he says his father August did find alchemy so i have decided to help this oung fellow , will you all help him and work together hand in hand ?'' Richard asked .

'' I have no problem '' replied the fairy . '' No problem '' the other replied . '' Will someone show him around then ?'' asked Richard . '' Me '' said a squealing voice among the crowd , it was the faity who was hitting on him earlier . 

'' I am counting on you then , Arthur go along with him then '' Richard said . Arthur nodded and went with her . The crowd all moved eventually . On the way the fairy asked '' why do you want to learn alchemy ?'' . 

'' To save my lover she has died '' he replied coldly . '' Such a romantic guy you are , i will show you around let's go '' she said taking his hand . She took him to the guild where there are many people wizards , werewolfs , fairies and magicians . 

'' Now we have arrived to the wizard guild where you can meet many people there and make new comrades '' she said taking him in there . When he went in everyone was looking at him . 

Surely the announcement must have reached their ears too . '' Hey Mitty where is guild master i have someone to introduce to her ?'' she asked . '' She's now working you can find her in her room '' the woman with horns , she looked like she was in mid twenties . 

'' So he's the new recruit i see '' '' she smirked looking at me . She took me to the guild master . When we were about to go in suddenly something came out of the room , it was a wand . 

I fell down . When i opened my eyes i heard someone calling me . '' Hey open up your eyes , look at me are you alive ?'' a woman's voice asked . I opened my eyes . '' Great you are alive '' she sighed in relief . 

'' Where am i ? who are you people ?'' Arhur asked in a low voice . '' You are in my guild Wizards guild and i am the guild master , Shelly , am sorry for throwing the wand at you '' she apologized .

'' No it's okay '' Arthur said getting up from the sofa . '' So you are the guild master '' he said , gazing at her intently as she looked quite young . '' Where are you looking at ? do you like what you see ?'' she smirked proudly showing her chest . 

Arthur looked away . '' NO it's nothing like that '' he replied . '' Oh how cute you are , i just love your reaction its just like how Stella had said '' said Shelly . 

'' Oh you are awake now , drink some water then '' said Stella coming into the room . '' Are you picking on him again ?'' asked she . '' I just love it '' replied the guild master . 

'' I am also here if you both have'nt noticed yet '' Arthur stated . '' We have'nt forgotten newbie '' the guild master came close to him and sat beside him . '' So what are you doing here ?'' asked she . 

'' He wants to learn alchemy to revive his dead lover '' Stella the fairy replied . '' Alchemy ? so you mean that he's the famous boy of the town ?'' asked the guild master . '' Yes he is '' replied the fairy . 

 '' Are you prepared to face the difficulties that might come your way ?'' asked the master . '' Yes i am '' he replied proudly . '' I can see the resolution in your eyes , ok then welcome abroad '' said the master . 

'' BUt he's a human i forgot to tell you '' Stella said . '' A human ? now that will be tough , how will you learn alchemy then ? do you have any clue ? as i know there was only one alchemist here Alexandrite and he's been missing for years '' the master said . 

'' I know that's why i will go to the valley of death to search for him Richard said '' Arthur replied . '' You cannot go alone unless you are trained enough '' master said . 

'' So i need to train ?'' asked Arthur . '' Yes , and don't worry i will train you personally there are many people here who can be your training partner here '' she said . 

'' I am leaving then you guys talk '' Stella left saying that. '' It will be tough to teach you alchemy but i can teach you magic which can help you in alchemy '' said the master . 

'' Don't you worry i will do everything that can help you '' she said hugging him . '' And i am one hundred years older so don't fall for me okay ?'' she laughed . 

'' I won't '' said Arthur moving away from her . '' I don't know why you feel so much closer to me , have we met before ?'' she asked . '' How would i ? i only came here today ?'' he grunted . 

 '' I know anyway lets go with me i will show you around '' she said taking her hand . '' Attenion , we have a recruit welcome him'' said she shoting throughout the whole guild house . 

'' Anew face i see '' said one boy , he had dark hair with blue eyes . '' Yes treat him well '' she said . '' What's your name ?'' asked he . '' I am Arthur '' he replied . '' I see , i am Adam i am a magician , what about you ?'' asked he . 

'' I am a human , i want to learn alchemy '' Arthur replied . '' Alchemy ?'' he questioned . '' You heard it right , i think he needs to form a party ''she said some people gaathered around them . 

'' I know Celia , Adam , Stella , Albert and lastly you Noir you all will form a party with him '' the master said . '' I am so excited '' said one girl . They all came near Arthur . '' Nice to meet you all '' said Arthur . 

''HI , i am Celia '' said one long haired girl , she had blond hair and green eyes . '' I am Adam '' said the dark haired boy . '' I AM Stella you know me already though '' said the fairy she was short with brunett hair and blue eyes . 

'' I am Noir '' said one tiny girl with white hair , shining like the moon , along with purple eyes . '' Albert , will you come already ?'' the master grunted . '' Okay okay '' said one boy with light brown hair curly at the tips , along with deep blue eyes . 

'' I am albert , spell caster'' he said with a annoying face . '' Celia is a witch , Stella is fairy , Adam is Swordsman , Albert is spell caster '' the master said . 

'' What about that little girl ?'' asked Arthur . '' I am not a little girl , i am one hundred years old you fool , i can erase your existence from this world '' she shouted . 

'' Calm down , Noir is , her existence is closer to gods in this world she's the god , there's no magic or spell that she cannot use '' the master said . '' And what about you master ?'' asked Arthur . 

'' Me ? i am well a magician along with giants ability '' replied the master . '' She's the strongest here '' said Noir . '' Yes i have'nt been able to beat her yet '' said Adam . 

'' Anyway , Arthur can't use anything so you guys will have to train him '' the master said . '' He will go to the valley of death to search for the legendary alchemist Alexandrite '' the master said . 

'' But no one has come out alive from the valley of death i heard '' said Adam . '' YES but he has the determination so you have to help him '' said master . '' We will be glad to help '' said Celia welcome to the team . 

'' I will teach you like a spartan '' said Noir . '' I will be glad to you all '' Arthur said . '' Let's find a place for you to stay Arthur '' said Celia . '' You can stay with us '' said Noir . 

'' can i ? asked Arthur . '' Yes welcome abroad '' said Stella . 

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