
17- Happy Again

Susanna's Pov

I was so happy.Really happy even after yesterdays incident with Dwane

I woke up to my husband sleeping under me. I smiled at his sleeping form. His messy hair. Thick strands of hair on his brows. His lips full plump.

I kissed him on his chest and worked my way to his neck. Kissing slowly. Hearing a groan from him.

I kissed his lips and he looked at me smiling with one sleepy eye open and said in his deep husky sexy voice" I could get used to this every day." I giggled and kissed him again. He kissed me back.

He asked, "So are you ready for for our honeymoon" I nodded my head and said, "I'll go anywhere with you." He smiled and said, "We'll be leaving tomorrow so tell Mira to pack her things."

I pecked his lips and got up from him. Making my way out of the room.

Before I could turn the doorknob, he grabbed my waist and pulled my back against his chest.

He whispered, "Where are you going?" He nibbles on my neck making me giggle and I replied"To pack and make breakfast.You
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