


Our lunch table was growing bigger and bigger with every week that passed. Carly and Brooke were the new additions. Everyone was having a group discussion, but my mind was preoccupied. Brooke's eyes were staring me down and I was staring right back at her. Chad and Sandino seemed to be eyeing each other angrily as well. It was so intense that someone had to comment on it. It was Justin. He had been busy with sports and school the past few days that he had missed a lot and it was now time to catch up.

"What's going on?" Justin asked, looking around. "Some people at the table look a little...upset."

"Let me fill you in brother," Brandon began, reaching out to put his arm around his friend's neck. "Chad is mad at Dino for going after Kahlan... again. And that's why Brooke is mad at Kahlan... but nobody cares because they already didn't like each other anyway." I shifted in my chair, while Brooke rolled her eyes. "Sandino thinks Chad has no reason to be mad, since he and Kah
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