

Just as always, Matteo had left me breathless and wanting for more. He had left the car without sparing a glance.

I used the rare view mirror to fix my hair and makeup, then opened the door with a killer frown on my face.

“Come.” Matteo offered me a hand, and a moment later I was standing next to him on solid ground.

I smoothed down my dress and lifted my eyes, meeting his gaze. He held me tightly by the hand, looking as dazed as I was.

“Laura . . . ” he said, then trailed off, frowning. “Remember that you look so ravishing tonight. I don’t know if I want anyone else but me to see you like this.”

There he was, acting sweet as if he hadn't given me a lady boner. I smiled at those words in mock modesty.

“Don Matteo!” It was Viktor. “We have to go. They’ve seen us already. Please, your masks.”

Who saw us? Why did we have to go all of a sudden? I took the beautiful red colored lace mask offered to me.

Matteo turned to me, tied it over my face, and purred, brushing his nose against its rim
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