

My heart skipped. Fuck!

This wasn't right. I wanted to be fucked by Matteo but for some strange reason as his dick was about to be welcomed into my pulsating pussy, I panicked.

I didn't know why but I panicked, I started breathing hard. I don't want this, I don't want this! I was chanting. But I know I did.

"Stop," I said, barely recognizing my voice. Matteo raised his eyebrow, obviously confused. "Stop! I changed my mind."

I was trying to convince myself that it was Stockholm syndrome and I wasn't finding myself falling deep for the dark lord. There was a look on his face when he left the bed and went straight to the bathroom without even sparing me a glance.

I had fucked up.

I heard the water turn on, maybe he was taking a shower, but soon the sound of the water hitting the floor was replaced by hard grunts and moans.

"Fuck." I heard him mumbling followed by a series of Italian curses.

He was masturbating.

My heart skipped, I had no right to anything but what I wanted was to get up
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