
Chapter 6

I was terrified as well as confused at the whole situation but I went with Elijah's guest without a fight. I do not know what he plans on doing to me and I fear it wasn't something good but at least I will be away from Elijah and his useless men.

I could see the look of regret on Elijah's face as I walked away I am sure he must be regretting why he didn't fuck me when he had the chance. Fucking retard!

Though he didn't penetrate me he had done much danger on my psyche. I don't feel complete anymore. I feel damaged and used and for this I will never forgive him and I wish him all the pain and suffering in this world on him  for the rest of his life...

As this attractive but intimidating man led me away with his strong hand holding my arm firm I felt my heart beating so hard and fast. I was honestly terrified and don't know why. He hasn't done anything to make me think he plans on doing me harm to me but I couldn't help this inner feeling I was having, that he could do more evil to me than anyone else could.

I just wanted to escape from him and run away but I couldn't even bring myself into struggling with him. I was so scared about the repercussions. However I needed to know where he was taking me to and what he had planned on doing to me.

Why would he give up 10 million dollars because of me? Did he do that because he wanted to rescue me or because he wanted to make a profit off me. But how? I don't see how I could possibly fetch him 10 million dollars, not even if he cuts me into pieces and sells my body parts and organs, I won't still fetch him anywhere near that amount. So why then did he gave up so much money to acquire me??

The questions and not knowing the answers were killing me honestly. I needed to find out but I am so scared to speak to him. It felt so little beside him and I am not just talking about our sizes as he is almost twice my height at 6 ft 5 while I am 5 ft 7. No it's not the significant height difference between us that was making me so cowardly but the predatory, dangerous energy emitting from him.

Mustering up courage though I faced my fears so to speak. “W..Where are you taking me to?.. Sir," I asked when we got out of the wretched place Elijah had kept captive.

He ignored my question like I wasn't speaking to him or I was so little he couldn't hear me while he led me towards a parked black limo where the chauffeur was already standing beside the door.

I didn't have the courage to repeat myself again, I had used up my last atom of courage asking him the first time.

“Welcome back, boss," the driver greeted him with full reverence and respect as he opened and held the door still for us to enter.

“Get in," the intimidating man said as he let go of my arm and I couldn't bring myself to argue even though all my insides were screaming and yelling at me not to enter the vehicle but to flee very far from him.

I obediently stepped inside the car and he came in as well before his chauffeur closed the door.

“Where to, boss?" His driver asked as he took his seat in the driver's chair.

“Home," he simply replied.

Home? He is taking me to his house??! I don't know if I should be relieved or terrified about that. I mean there are far worse places I could be taken to, like the slaughter house or torture chamber but somehow taking me to his house seemed the most scariest place ever in my head.

I could literally hear my heartbeat. It was louder than a mini speaker and I was honestly about to lose it but strangely the only thing that was making me relax and not experience a complete meltdown was his unique, appealing scent. I have never smelled anything as pleasing as it before. I wonder what type of cologne he was using.

A very rare and expensive one if I was to guess…

The drive was smooth and steady and not even once did he glance at me nevermind speaking to me but all I could think of was escaping however I never made any attempt to not even when the car drove past two police officers though they couldn't see me because of the tinted windows but I should have at least try to attract them to the vehicle or raise an alarm.

Why am I acting so timid? I battled with myself however something caught my attention as the vehicle pulled into the gate of a large, mighty mansion. 

I haven't seen anything like it, it looks like a castle for a king and for a moment I forgot about my worries and was just admiring the beauty of the mansion and its surroundings.

Colorful trees and flowers were planted by the side of the road leading to the mansion forming a beautiful canopy of leaves that blocked off the harsh rays of the sun. As we moved further in I could see two large waterfall statues of giant dolphins in two separate locations but parallel to each other with garden-like flowers encircling it. 

It was beautiful!

My eyes finally settled on the building itself and I really couldn't believe such a magnificent structure existed.

The mansion stood as a testament to grandeur and opulence. Its majestic façade, adorned with intricate architectural details, seemed like a work of art crafted by the finest hands. Towering spires and turrets reached skyward, casting dramatic shadows across the landscape. The stonework, meticulously carved, exuded an aura of timeless elegance.

As the vehicle approached closer, the immaculate gardens that surrounded the mansion unfurled a symphony of colors and fragrances. Roses, tulips, and exotic orchids painted a vibrant tapestry of nature's beauty. The scent of blossoms hung in the air almost inviting me to linger in this enchanting oasis.

The mansion's windows, like sparkling jewels, reflected the sunlight, and the glass seemed to dance with a thousand colors. It was evident that no expense had been spared in creating this architectural marvel. The entrance, with its grand double doors, beckoned visitors to explore the treasures that lay within.

The mansion was an embodiment of luxury, evoking a sense of wonder and admiration, and it was easy to forget the worries of the world while gazing upon this splendid creation... However my mind got back to reality when the doors were opened up by his driver and I realized I wasn't supposed to be here.

Why am I here?

Coming out of the vehicle I could see men all on black suits stationed around the building- all armed with weapons guiding the building. Is he the fucking president of United States? Why does he have this amount of security? And how come none of them followed him to meet Elijah? Or does he just enjoy putting himself in danger? I battled with my thoughts m

Just then the main entrance door of the mansion opened up and a man wearing a brown leather jacket and blue jeans with white sneakers came out from the mansion.

“Marcel!" he called from afar as he approached us.

Wait? His name is Marcel? I would never have guessed.  I honestly don't know why I wasn't expecting him to be named such. I was thinking something tougher like Dracula or something.

“Eden," Marcel smiled faintly but genuinely. 

Clearly the two are fond of each other.

Friends? Maybe lovers. I really don't know. Not that I care anyways.

“You are back," Eden smiled but then took his eyes to me with a weird look.

He is handsome, no doubt. Tall with short, neat, sharp haircut. A slender muscular frame like his friend Marcel but with dark brownish eyes and he was giving off almost the same dangerous, masculine energy his could be due to the fact that he had a gun strapped to his waist however his beauty and his intimidating aura couldn't be compared to that of his friend, Marcel. They are just incomparable. I have never seen someone so attractive yet so intimidating in my life before. It gives me chills.

“Yes, safe and sound. I told you not to worry. Didn't I?" Marcel smiled again.

“Yes you did but I still think going alone to meet that bastard wasn't a good idea. At least I should have gone with you if you didn't want any of your men to accompany you," Eden said, almost scoldingly.

It was clear he was concerned about his friend's well being and that just made me think about Gloria. I thought she always had my back but she was the one who betrayed me and that hurts. That hurts a lot…

Gloria who was only putting on a nightgown, a very revealing one that showed off her smooth sexy legs and thighs with a large chunk of her cleavage open sat on the sofa in her apartment with her legs crossed holding onto a  half filled glass of sweet alcoholic wine with it's bottle resting on top of the small table in front of her. She was in a celebratory mood…

“You think you could take what was mine, right?" She spoke out to no one as she sipped from her glass, laughing out.

“In your next life you will learn not to seduce people's men," she gave a satisfactory smile enjoying the fact that Ella was dead or so she thought.

She has just gotten off the phone with Elijah who had informed her that the job was done. The job being the assassination of her best friend, Ella. The news was like a sweet melody in Gloria's ears and her only regret was that she wasn't there when Ella took her final breath. That would have been so satisfying to watch and also watching as she was being humiliated and violated by different men would have been so much fun to watch too.

Ella might have considered Gloria her best friend but Gloria had never seen her that way before, not even in the slightest. She has always been envious of Ella even before Mike came into the picture.

Gloria hated the fact people think Ella is prettier than her though it was the truth however in her mind she felt she was more prettier than Ella so she gets annoyed when she receives the attention she felt should belong to her. Mike's situation only made her insecurities and jealousy grow to a new level that she was happy and ready to take her life.

There was no sympathy or remorse in Gloria for Ella and she has already started making plans on how to make Mike hers. 

Speaking of Mike..

Gloria's doorbell rang and she smiled knowing exactly who was at the door. In fact that is the reason why she was dressed in such a sexually provocative way. Her grand plan is about to commence.

Getting up she went and opened the door and it was exactly who she had in mind. Mike.

“Hey Mike. What are you doing here?" She acted surprised to see him though she knew fully well he would come to her place when he couldn't find Ella.

On seeing Gloria in a nightie with all her curves and flesh laying bare to the eyes Mike was left stunned at first and he took some seconds passing before he composed himself.

“I..Is Ella here?" He asked, with a worried tone.

“Ella? No she is not," she replied, acting innocent while making sure Mike is able to see her cleavage openings.

Planting seeds of lust in his heart.

“God! Where could she possibly be?" Mike was absolutely frustrated but also distracted by the tempting sight in front of him.

“What's wrong? You know what? Come in," she invited him into her home but Mike was hesitant to comply at first because of how sexually provocative she was dressed.

“What are you waiting for? Come in," she urged him in, luring him to her trap…

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