
Chapter 5

He might be super attractive but Elijah guest Blue-Death was making me extremely afraid and self conscious more than Elijah and his thugs had ever made me feel and he is doing this by just staring at me. He hasn't even touched or said anything to me. He had this dangerous aura about him that I couldn't really understand but it feels he could do far more worse things to me than Elijah and his men can ever do. No wonder Elijah looked so scared when he heard his name back at the dungeon and is that why they call him Death? Because he has a dangerous, deadly aura about him??

“So what do you say, should we set up a room for you two? Or would you like to have her here, right now?" Elijah said to him, arching his eyebrows.

“I am here for the money you are owing and not to indulge in one of your whores," he finally spoke, his voice low but full with a lot of authority.

However the fact he called me a whore hurt me more than it should. It hurts me to my very  bones. I don't know why that is the case. Was it because what he called me wasn't true? I don't really know. All I knew was that I couldn't control my emotions even though I tried my best to…

They continued conversing while I battled with my emotions.

“I know I am just trying to make your stay comfortable while we arrange for your money. Please relax and enjoy yourself," Elijah said almost smoothly but it was clear he was lying through his teeth.

“I am not one you play games with. You should know better by now," his guest said and there was tension in the room before...

“I am not a whore," I muttered at first my voice barely above a whisper. 

I had lost the battle with my emotions.

“I am not a whore!" I said loudly this time around and everyone's attention was on me including the handsome, intimidating man.

“Who told you to speak, bitch," Elijah frowned at me but his guest kept quiet just staring at me with his pretty emotion void, crystal eyes.

”I am not a whore," I repeated, fumming.

“Will you shut up, bitch?!" He tried to silence me but my emotions had taken over me completely at this point

“No, I won't keep shut! I won't shut up!" I yelled back and he looked a bit stunned.

“You kidnapped me, molested me, you with your men and now you are offering me to your useless guests like you own me. Like I am your property but I refuse to be part of any of these. So you better kill me now or let me go because there is no way I am letting anyone touch me again. Not you, not any of your men and definitely not him," I said with my eyes wet with tears of determination as I locked gaze with his extremely attractive guest.

“I said shut up!!" Elijah stood up from his chair and hit me with the back of his palm across the face sending me to the floor.

My left ear vibrated in pain like a ball but I still fired up. The plan was to provoke him to the point he shoots me. I couldn't stand the humiliation any longer.

Turning to face him while still on the floor. “You better kill me now because I will never keep shut. You motherfucker!" I spat.

“I see you have a death wish and you will still get exactly what you want but it won't be today. No. I will make you my whore and my men and guests would have their way with you till you come to accept the fact that you are nothing but a cheap whore," he said wickedly and from his eyes I could tell he meant what he said..

This broke me completely. I can pretend all I want but I am not strong. I was never strong and I can't endure this. I can't.

“Please just kill me. Please," I begged him for death but he smiled mockingly.

“That time will come when your pussy is no longer of use to me anymore but don't think that's the only terrible thing I can do to you. So you better apologize to me and my honored guest before I allow the dogs and horses to also get a taste of you too and make no mistake it's not pleasant at all ," he said wickedly and I felt so humiliated.

Why should I have to apologize for being betrayed, abducted, molested, assaulted and ridiculed?? Why do I have to apologize for being treated this inhumane way??

I shouldn't be the one apologizing? They all should be the ones apologizing to me. They all! But sadly I find myself about to apologize because I can't imagine being forced to sleep with wild animals.

“I..." I was cut short by his guest..

“This is not why I came here. Do you have my money or not?" He said getting Elijah's attention.

“I am working on it. 10 million dollars is a lot of money. I need time to arrange everything. I just need some more time," Elijah said, pleadingly.

”Your time has run out. Is either you pay me what you owe me now or you suffer the consequences," his guest said and suddenly all of Elijah's men pulled out their guns but his guest remained calm like a cucumber.

I wonder why he is so calm when he is clearly outnumbered and outgunned? I am not even seeing any weapon with him while Elijah's men all have pistols and rifles.

It seemed things were heating up pretty fast and I found myself in the crossfire but my only wish was that when they start letting the bullets fly one should land right in my forehead and end my misery of a life. It's better I get a quick death than the humiliating horrible plan Elijah has for me...

“Are you all stupid?! Lower your guns," Elijah quickly cautioned his men and they reluctantly obeyed.

“Please forgive my men's foolishness, they are just being too enthusiastic to protect me but you know sometimes it is hard for even me to control them so you got to be mindful of the things you say," Elijah pleaded in a not sincere manner. 

It was like he was stylishly sending the message to his guest that he had the advantage in this situation and I think his guest understood the message. 

Getting up majestically from his seat I was left stunned at the sight I was beholding. I didn't expect he could look even more appealing than he already is but I was so wrong. He looked even more handsome standing upright as I got to behold his full glory. He has the physique of a god. Standing about 6ft5- he towered above everyone in the room and he had this slender but masculine frame that could make any lady drool and I wasn't exempted from the list.

“You will pay me what you owe me unless tonight would be stained with blood and I am definitely sure it won't be mine," he frowned then went further to speak his voice holding so much authority and not a single atom of fear.

“And as for this little charade you and your men just displayed, now I will be collecting a little extra to what you owe me. Maybe I will turn your little daughter, Rachel, to my personal whore and that of my men and dog and horses. How old is she now? 16 right? She will serve me a very long time," he smirked and I could see fear flicker in Elijah's eyes.

“H..How do you know about my daughter?" Elijah's voice was all shaky. It was clear the identity of his daughter was supposed to be a secret.

“I know a lot of things , trust me. Like the fact that she and her mother are currently on holidays in Malmo, Sweden." He said and the fear washed over Elijah completely.

“Y..You can't do this," 

“Trust me I do not make empty threats. I think you already know this," his voice came out cold as ice, even I shivered at his words.

“I will gather the money, please give me a little more time. Please don't harm my family. I beg of you," Elijah pleaded like a baby, his words much sincere this time around.

This man is really intimidating and I wonder what was giving him this much confidence. Is it the fact he knows about the whereabouts of Elijah's family? I doubt it. I think there is something much more to his overconfident nature. Something I don't really understand but I am terrified as well as curious to know.

“You have used up all of your lifelines. I have been sending my men to you but all you have been giving were excuses. Not today, you won't," he said.

“I promise, no more excuses," Elijah said, bringing out my engagement ring from his pocket.

“This is about a 100-200 thousand dollar ring, you can have it," he said and I was enraged.

“That belongs to me!" I yelled.

“Shut up bitch!" He yelled back with a thunderous voice and I instantly became quiet.

“Bring the briefcase," he ordered his men and one of them brought a briefcase to him which contained a lot of dollars.

“This is 500,000 dollars," he said, then took off his wrist watch.

“This isn't so expensive but it's worth 20,000 dollars. You can have all of it and I promise to pay you the rest on time please just don't hurt my family," he pleaded with a shaky voice and hands.

I almost felt sorry for him until I remembered all the vile things he has done to me and also plans on doing to me and I hated him and wished him every suffering of this world but I still don't want anything bad to happen to his innocent daughter or wife. Just him and his men.

“Do I look like a beggar that you are offering me peanuts?" The extremely attractive man frowned.

“God Dammit! This is all I have with me now. I am trying my best here. Please just accept this and give me some little time to gather the rest of the money," Elijah said with a mixture of desperation and anger in his voice.

“This won't do," he replied coldly and Elijah felt like crying. I could see it in his eyes.

“However there is something in your possession that I want and if you give me  I would consider your debit clear and your grievance forgiven," he further stated and Elijah's eyes beamed with hope.

“What is it? Tell me. I will give you whatever you want. Anything, just don't hurt my family. Just tell me what you want and it's yours," Elijah said with much enthusiasm and passion.

I know it was none of my concern but I was also curious to know what he wanted from Elijah that could be worth him giving up his money. 10 million dollars is a lot of money and not even this house is worth as much.

Everywhere was silent until…

“I want her," he said, turning to face me, his blue crystal eyes holding no emotions whatsoever.

At first I really didn't understand what he said until Elijah echoed his words back to me.

“You want her?" He also looked confused.

“Yes. Give her to me and your debts would be considered cleared," he replied calmly.

”What? But she is of no value. And there is a hit on her head. She is supposed to be dead by now and I am only keeping her alive for now as my play thing," Elijah explained to him while I was just there standing looking lost.

Why would he want me instead of 10 million dollars??! It doesn't make any sense.

“Are you selling her to me or should I be expecting my money today?" He spoke softly but his voice carried a lot of warning and threats.

”You can have her. She is all yours," Elijah said, the relief but confusion evident in his voice.

“Good. I will be needing that ring as well," he said, stretching out his hand with his palm wide open.

“Of course," Elijah said, then walked forward and dropped my engagement ring into his palm.

“Nice doing business with you," his guest said, putting the ring into his pants' pocket.

What has just happened here? Have I been traded??

The extremely attractive man started walking towards me and I don't know why but my legs and feet trembled underneath. His unique eyes like a magic spell kept me in place and when he got to me my nose was greeted with the most pleasant scent ever. A mixture of lavender and chamomile.

I became so self conscious and ashamed that I was naked even though I was covering my sensitive body parts with my hands. However, he took off his coat and covered my body with it. This gesture made me blush like a child however what  he said to me next made me tremble in fear.

“You belong to me now."

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