
Chapter 4

I couldn't believe my eyes, standing behind the rusty bars of the dungeon was my best friend Gloria and just seeing her filled my spirit with belief that I am saved. I couldn't explain the joy I felt seeing her. I didn't really care to know how she found me or knew I was in trouble. I am just glad she is here to save me from these monsters.

“Gloria! Please help me," I called out with tears in my eyes, believing she was here to rescue me..

However the look in her eyes as she stared at me, it was something I can never forget. It was a look filled with so much contempt and hate I became afraid, thinking she probably doesn't recognize me anymore.

“Why is she still alive?" She said to my captives but I couldn't believe my ears.

I must not have heard right, there is no way she just said that. No way!

“We just wanted to have some fun with her first," the leader of the thugs replied as he pulled his pants up and I watched in total shock as both of them conversed about my demise like familiars as the cell door was opened for her to come in.

“You should have ended her life like I paid you to, Elijah," she said, addressing him by his name.

They know each other??!

I was seeing and hearing everything that was happening but I still couldn't believe it. This can't be real! I even started creating excuses for her in my head that this was some kind of prank or a big misunderstanding.

“Gloria. What's happening?" I asked, hoping and begging in my heart that my best friend hasn't betrayed me this way and that she had a reasonable explanation.

Turning to face me, she glared. “What do you think is happening, huh? Or are you so stupid to understand?"

Her words hurt me so badly, they felt like knife stabs to the chest, leaving my body cold with goosebumps all over my skin.

“W..Why??" That's all I could say, as I searched for answers in her eyes. All I found was hatred. 

Why? Why would she want to do this to me? Why would she want to end my life? Maybe if I knew the answers I could understand what was happening because this girl standing in front of me has been  my best friend since I was a child. She is the person that I trusted the most. I practically see her as my sister.

“Why not? Tell me why not?!" She yelled at my face like I was supposed to understand  her actions but I didn't.

“We are friends. We are best friends, Gloria," I reminded her with watery eyes, my heart shattered in pieces. Wishing all this was a bad dream.

“Don't you dare say that. Friends? How could you possibly look me in the eyes and tell me we are best friends when you took everything away from me, huh?!" She said, her eyes burning in anger like brimstones.

“Took everything from you? What are you talking about?" I was utterly confused.

“Don',t act like you don't know what I am talking about. You bitch!" She spat, venomously.

I never knew she hated me this much, the amount of hatred for me reflecting in her eyes was blinding. How come I never saw this? Was it the case I wasn't paying attention or was she just a great actor, able to hide her true feelings?

“I don't know what you are talking about Gloria. Please tell me all this is some kind of sick prank. I won't hold it against you. Please just tell me all this isn't real," I said, wishing she could see how much she was hurting me but she just stared at me like I am some leper.

“Since you want to act innocent I will tell you myself," she said, drawing closer to me with confident steps.

“Couldn't you have found someone else to seduce? Why does it have to be my Mike?" She said and my eyes dilated.

“Your Mike? Seduce?" I was confused and lost.

“Yes! Mike and I were supposed to end up together. I was the one who knew him first and you knew I love him but that didn't stop you from seducing him like the bitch you are and you are here telling me about being my best friend? With friends like you who need enemies," she said and I couldn't believe she was doing all this because she thought I stole Mike from her.

That's not true at all.

“Why would you think so little of me? You were the one who kept pressuring me to accept his proposal; telling me you have no feelings for him. Have you forgotten so soon?" I replied but she scoffed.

“I never meant any of what I said, you fool!" She yelled and I could see the pains and anger in her eyes.

She spoke further this time in a calmer but emotional tone. “He kept pleading with me to convince you to accept his proposal. Every single day he would call me telling me how much he loves you and needed you in his life and that would break my heart every single time. I could no longer bear the torture of hearing him confessing his love for another woman and I couldn't bring myself to tell him I love him and he should choose me over you so I had no other choice than to encourage you to be with him..but if you were truly my best friend you would have seen the pain in my eyes all those times I told you it was okay for you to date him. The great hurt I felt anytime you two kiss in front of me.,"

“I never knew you still had feelings for him or me being with him was hurting you. If I had known I would have never agreed to his proposal, I swear." I said honestly.

“Liar!" She yelled like a psycho.

“You have to believe me Gloria. I love you and I would never intentionally hurt you and I am willing to call off the engagement and convince Mike that it's you he should marry," I said truthfully and I could see a glow in her eyes.

“Really? You would?"

“Yes I will. I promise. I value our friendship more than anything and I love you and want you to be happy. If it's Mike that would come in-between us then it's better you have him," I said and there was a sparkle in her eyes but it died down almost immediately.

Stepping away from me. “It's kinda too late for that now," she said softly.

“It's never too late. I forgive you for this. We can return to what we were and pretend none of this ever happened, please," I said to her hoping she would have a change of mind..

“I don't need your forgiveness and the only way I can truly have Mike for myself is if you are out of the picture completely, don't you understand? I am sorry but you have to die," she said and her eyes held no emotion, no sympathy towards me.

“Gloria," I could only mutter her name in despair as I felt sick to the stomach.

“Have your fun with her then finish the job. I don't want any complications or mistakes. Understood?," she said to the tattooed man, Elijah who nodded before she left the cell giving me one final glance before her heels echoed as she started walking away.

“So where were we?" Elijah said to me smirkingly.

I couldn't respond or say anything. I was still in shock about what had just transpired between Gloria and I. It's 100 times more horrible than getting raped by a gang of thugs and killed. Closing my eyes I let the tears flow freely, not bothering to struggle or fight them.

It's pointless to struggle when it's obvious my fate is already sealed.

I  could feel their hands once more on my body, touching and grabbing hold of me inappropriately but I remained still, my eyes closed shut and my mind wandering about in the darkness.

“I knew you were a slut the moment I saw you. Seducing your best friend's boyfriend? How cheap can you get? Why don't you seduce us also," I could hear the thug's voice as he squeezed my boobs and the rest of the gang laughed mockingly.

I was irritated to the marrow of my bones but I didn't react nor open my eyes. I just stood still letting them do whatever they wanted with me. 

“Ain't you going to say anything, bitch?!" He cursed.

It was like he was looking forward for my reaction so he could torment me with it but I won't give him the sick satisfaction of begging him when I already know it was of no use so I kept quiet still, however when I felt his disgusting fingers rubbing on the entrance of my pussy, playing with my clitoris I almost burst out screaming and begging for him to let me go but I held myself back however silent tears poured down my cheeks as I wasn't strong enough to hold all the pains and humiliation in. This was too much for me to bear.

I really don't know if he was trying to get me aroused or offended by his touch but all I was feeling was irritation. It felt like I had maggots crawling over me 

“I know you like this bitch," he said, trying to push his fingers into my hole..

God please! My whole body became hot like I was about to fall sick.

“Boss," someone called out to him. This time it was a male voice and I opened up my eyes relieved that his fingers were away from my private.

“What?!" I could hear the frustration and irritation in his voice for being disturbed.

“You have a visitor," the man standing outside the cell informed him and Elijah frowned.

“Alright. Tell the fucker to wait, I will attend to him when I am done with this," he replied then turned to face me, wanting to resume from where he stopped.

“It's Blue Death," the man said and I could see the look of fear that spread across Elijah's face.

“What's he doing here?" He muttered to himself, his eyes calculating before he became calm.

“I will be back soon and we will continue from where we stop," he said to me, giving one of my nipples a quick lick having a sick satisfactory look on his face.

“Let's go boys and make sure to arm yourselves. There might be trouble," he addresses them.

Dressing properly he and the rest of his thugs left the cell, locking me with a padlock and turning off the light.

Everywhere became pitch dark and once everyone was gone I collapsed to the ground; arms and legs wrapped together I wept, wishing someone would rescue me from this hell of a place. I was so disgusted and irritated by my own body as I felt used like some worthless item with no pride or dignity left.

It didn't take long before I started shivering badly and feeling feverish that I had to search for my torn clothes in the darkness and put them on when I found them so I can get some degree of warmth even though it wasn't that helpful and I knew once they returned back for me they will be ripping it off my body once more…

I didn't know how long had passed as everywhere was just dark but while crying and shivering excessively my brain shut off for some moments as I fell asleep.. only to be rattled up by the sound of opening locks. The lights came back on and I saw three ugly thugs but their leader, Elijah wasn't among them. Are they here to have their way with me before their boss finishes attending to hIs visitor with a strange name?

I was still trying to figure out what they wanted with me when they suddenly grabbed hold of me and started dragging away from the dungeon.

“Where are you taking me?" I asked with a weak voice, scared and frightened.

“Shut up bitch!" 

I was brought into a large room and there I was thrown to the floor.

“Ahh," gathering myself up I saw the leader of the gang, Elijah.

He was seated on a chair with the rest of his gang about 15 or so standing up. However there was one man who I doubt was part of his gang as he was also seated and he looked nothing like the rest. He looked sinfully handsome and intimidating at the same time with his dark, long curly hair falling down his shoulders like waves of the sea. He had clear blue eyes like crystal balls. Someone could get lost staring at him and his eyebrows were sharply cut like razor blades making his eyes stand out. His nose was straight and thin like a perfectly carved object and his lips slim and red like strawberries. Looking so inviting.

He possibly can't be real. He must be an imagination, my mind must have created him as a form of distraction to help me escape my pain or maybe it was the fever? It's getting worse.

“There she is your entertainment," Elijah said to the handsome man regarding me.

“Why is she overly dressed? Get her out of those rags," he ordered his men.

Two of his men came to me and tore off my clothes until I was standing naked  

but I didn't struggle. My eyes were just focused on the handsome man in front of me. He was dressed in an all black attire; black coat, pants and boots and he wore an unbothered,  almost expressionless look but I was still adamant he wasn't real.

“Isn't she a beauty?" Elijah said to the handsome man who kept quiet.

He must be real if they could see him as well and that made me self conscious as I started feeling ashamed that I was standing naked in front of him.

I think he was the guest that made the thug Elijah nervous. Blue-Death.

I see why they call him Blue. He has the most blueish and beautiful eyes I have ever seen. But why do they call him Death?

“You know I wanted to be the first to fuck her but I can allow you go first just to show you how much I value you," Elijah further said to the man and the handsome man looked at my direction.

The moment his blue crystal eyes settled on my body I felt so ashamed that I covered my breasts with my left arm and my private with my right hand but his eyes remained on me still and it felt like he was still able to see my nakedness.

My heart started racing uncomfortably.


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