
Chapter 3

I feel so unusual, like I was drowning in a pit of darkness and I couldn't get out. My head felt so heavy as if everything around me was spinning about in circles and there was this foul smell that encircled me like a cloud of thick smoke and I couldn't get away from it. 

Where the fuck am I?

I could hear faint strange voices like murmurs but when I tried to open my eyes to see my environment I found it hard to. It seemed like I had lost the ability to control my eyes movement, like my brain was working in super slow mode. Everything just felt so disoriented and the foul smell was tormenting my nose so bad I felt like I was going to suffocate.

Gradually though I managed to open my eyes a little but it wasn't much helpful as my vision was all blurry. I couldn't see anything properly but it seemed I was lying on the floor as I started feeling cold.

What exactly is going on? Is this some kind of weird dream?

I tried to force myself to open my eyes fully but it was still proving hard and I could still hear those murmuring voices around me even though I wasn't seeing anyone, however soon enough I started hearing approaching footsteps sounds.

“Finally the princess is awake." It sounded like a male voice and I could see a figure towering in front of me but he was blurry.

Who is this?

Blinking my eyes a few times to see if I can clarify my vision, I took another look at him and my blurry vision gradually started to become normal until I was able to see the person standing in front of me.

Oh my God! My heart sank.

He is the crazy tattooed man from the club. The same man that harassed me.

He was standing over me with a burning cigarette in his hand.

What's happening? I felt this jolt of panic and fear in my heart as I recognized him.

“Y..You?" I stuttered.

”Yes love, me," he smiled mischievously at me.

“What's going on? Where am I?" I asked my anxiety level rising up like a rocket and I took a proper look at my surroundings.

It seemed something like a cell, more like a dungeon, a very dirty one at that and there were three other menacing, looking men in the room alongside the one that harassed me in the club. All of them were smoking, which explains why I felt so suffocated.

I really didn't understand what was going on and how I got here but I was scared to death at the realization I was alone in a room with four dangerous looking men.

“Oh love. You are asking the wrong questions here. What you should be asking is; What do we want to do with you," he said, licking his lips like a hungry lion wanting to devour a little lamb.

My whole body shivered as waves of fear washed over me.

What could they possibly want to do with me? I didn't even want to think about it even though I could tell what they wanted and that scared me even more.

“Please let me go," I pleaded as I picked myself up from the ground while searching for an escape route in the cell but I couldn't see any.

I was completely trapped.

“I am afraid I can't do that," he said, then drew closer to me that there was barely a space between us.

“I only wanted a dance but you humiliated and rejected me. Now I am going to have much more than a dance," he said, undressing me with his eyes and I felt so ashamed and irritated as he gawked at me.

“I am sorry. Please forgive me. I didn't mean to humiliate you," I pleaded whilst  stylishly searching for my phone in my pocket.

“Are you looking for this?" He said bringing out a phone from his back pocket as he took some steps backwards and my eyes dilated when I saw it was my phone.

“That's mine," I said, stating the obvious.

“Not anymore," he smirked.

“I have switched it off. You kept getting a call from someone named Mike. It was disturbing the whole place," he stated and my heart skipped.

“You have to allow me speak to him, please," I said in a plea to him.

“And why would I allow you to do that?" He raised his brows.

“I just need to tell him I am alright. Please," I pleaded with him but he burst out laughing.

“You are alright? You have no idea the situation you are in right now, do you?" He said with a raised brow and I understood that he meant I am in danger and I should worry about myself but I kept on pleading to speak to my Mike.

“Please just allow me to speak to him. If it's just for a minute, please.." I pleaded.

I know Mike must be worried sick about me as we were supposed to meet by 10 pm. I took a look at my wrist to check the time but I couldn't find my wrist watch. I couldn't find my engagement ring either and its absence on my finger felt like a part of my life had been removed from my body.

“W..Where is my ring?" I muttered.

“This," he brought out something from his pocket and flashed it in front of my eyes.

It was my engagement ring and I felt like crying.

“This is very expensive, you know right? I will be keeping it," he said, romancing the ring jealously.

“The person that gave you this ring must be very rich, right? Is he the one calling you? Mike is your fiance, right?" He asked with a mischievous look on his face and I kept quiet.

I don't want them harming Mike in any way so it is better I don't reveal his identity.

“Please just let me go. You can keep the ring. You can keep everything, please just let me go and I promise I won't say anything to the cops. I swear," I pleaded and he smiled, putting the ring back into his pocket.

“Boss, when are we going to fuck her, already? I am getting tired of waiting," one of the men said and my heart skipped.

Fuck me?! Oh no please!

“Yeah. When are we going to fuck her? We should have been screwing the bitch while she was unconscious but you told us to wait till she was awake. The bitch is pretty much awake now. Can we quit all the yapping and just fuck her? I can't wait any longer," another of the men said and the others agreed with him.

I could feel my heart pounding like a drum inside of my chest as their words kept ringing in my ears fueling my anxiety.

“Yes, you are right. Enough talking. Time for action," the tattooed man said and he started slowly approaching me alongside the other men while I stepped back trying to get away from them, my heart pounding hard inside my chest..

However there was no place to hide or run to and I was surrounded and cornered like a mouse surrounded by vicious cats.

“Please don't... please don't.." I pleaded with them but it was pointless. They all looked sex starved and hungry to devour me.

“Grab her," one of the men said with an evil smile. 

They all had evil smiles on their faces as if they were enjoying the fear in my eyes. 

I tried to dodge but one of them grabbed hold of me and before I could react I could feel multiple hands and arms grabbing and pulling me in different directions.

“Help! Somebody please help me!!.." I screamed out but it was as if my cry for help was serving as entertainment for them as they burst out laughing.

“Scream all you want. No one can hear you from here, love," the man said to me but I didn't listen and kept on screaming.

Hoping and praying someone_anyone comes to my aid but they kept on laughing while touching my body like I waa some piece of toy they could play with.

I could feel like three hands on my boobs squeezing it without care and another set of multiple hands on my ass also squeezing and pressing it as they wanted to rip the flesh out of my body. They were also trying to tire off my clothes so as to render me naked and I didn't know where to start from. Who to fight off first.

I tried my best to fight them all off but it was almost impossible and I ended up pleading and begging as it was the only thing that made sense.

“Please stop..for God sake…please." I pleaded, hoping and praying God could touch their hearts and they would free me.

“Shut up bitch!" One of the men said and landed a painful slap across my right cheek that made my eyes go red instantly.

That would be the first time I would ever get hit in my life and the pain almost made me want to be submissive and allow them to do whatever they wish to do on my body as I realized I am not good at enduring pain.

However, as they tore off my shirt, yanked away my bra and squeezed my boobs without mercy, hot tears poured out of my eyes and my whole body was covered in goosebumps. I was extremely irritated and terrified and I realized this was so much worse than any physical pain they could inflict on me.

This can't be happening to me. Oh God please;

“Let go of me!" I tried to fight them off once more by throwing hands not minding if I got hit again but I was repaid with a resounding slap, harder than the first.

I didn't even know where it came from. All I know is that it stung like hot fire, dropping me to the floor and I was bleeding from my mouth. I had sustained a cut.

“Hold her in place," the man ordered and two of the men stretched my arms out and pinned me on the ground floor while another man held my legs in place.

I tried to struggle but it was impossible to break free and I bruised my arms with every struggle. I was feeling pains and my heart was beating so loudly inside my chest that it hurt. I thought I was about to have a heart attack for sure and maybe it would have been the best thing if I had a heart attack and just died at the spot than for them to violate me this way.

“Please just let me go. Please, I beg you. I will give you anything you want. Please just let me go," I pleaded with tears running down my eyes, burying my vision but they were all laughing, looking at me hungrily.

Don't they have feelings? Why are they hurting me this way?

The tattooed man motioned forward and crouched down to the ground beside me,  grabbing hold of my boobs in his hand as he fiddled with my right nipple and gave it a painful pinch that made me give out a cry.


“You are already giving me what I want," his voice made me sick.

He let out a smile before crouching further downward and took one of my boobs into his mouth, sucking it while squeezing the other one roughly.

I felt disgusted and I just kept on crying wishing and praying this was just a terrible nightmare that I would wake up from but it wasn't a dream and it was about to get even worse as after sucking both my boobs whilst leaving bite marks on them he got off from me and started unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants.

I watched in horror as he brought out his thick, hardened meat out from his pants that were pointing to my direction like a staff.

“Take off her jeans," he commanded his men and whilst they were dragging and pulling off my jeans from my waist he was stroking his hard meat, smiling at me like I was some meal.

“Please don't. Please don't!" I screamed out on top of my voice struggling and battling with all my strength.

However a hard blow right on my belly button region knocked the winds off my sail completely as I felt my intestines compressed into a painful twist. 

I have never felt anything as painful as this. It felt like I wanted to suffocate and puke at the same time. And the worst part is that it was not just one painful punch to the abdomen but three. At this point it felt like I was going to puke all my guts out and I couldn't even breath, nevermind struggling with them.

They successfully pulled my jeans off my waist and legs and tore off my panties, rendering me completely naked while the man kept on watching and stroking his meat.

“Place her up there," he pointed to a desk in the middle of the room and I was lifted and placed on the desk with my face and chest resting on the flat surface of the desk while my ass was facing them.

“I am going to enjoy fucking this but sadly I don't think you will," I heard him say behind me as his men held my arms and hands in place.

I couldn't speak or struggle. I was in so much pain as hot tears flowed down my eyes, dreading the moment when he would penetrate me and completely take my dignity.

How did I end up in this place?

I felt his strong hands grabbing hold of my ass and I could feel the tip of his hardened thick meat pushing against the entrance of my pussy and the tears poured down even more.

God no, please help me! I cried and prayed inside as I didn't have the strength to speak out any more..

“Stop!" A female voice rang from behind me that made the man pause from penetrating me.

The voice sounded so familiar making me turn around to see who it was…


As a savior arrived? Or is everything about to get even worse for Ella? 

Find out in the next chapter

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