
Chapter 2

It's been 3 days since Mike proposed to me and ever since that day I have been receiving congratulation messages non-stop both physically and in my mails from family and friends. It was so much that I started feeling like a mini celebrity. 

It's really great to see that so many people care about me and are wishing me well. It made me feel loved and important.

When I told my parents about the engagement they were so excited and just like Mike's parents they too started making plans for the wedding. One would think they were the ones who got engaged.

So funny but cute.

Just thinking about walking down the aisle with Mike is making my heart all bubbling with joy and I found myself daydreaming about it smiling sheepishly like a fool…

The sudden vibration of my pants startled me back to reality and that was when I noticed it was my phone ringing inside my jeans' pocket.

Bringing out my phone from my pocket I smiled as I saw it was my fiance, Mike that was calling.

Speaking of the devil, right?

“Hello love," I answered.

“Hey sweet pumpkin," he replied and I smiled. 

I always love it when he calls me that. I don't know, I just like it.

“How are you doing?" I asked.

“Not fine," he said and I became concerned.

“What's wrong? Are you sick?.." I was already panicking.

“Yeah I am sick," he said and I became a bit worried.

“What?! Since when?" 

“Since I last saw your pretty face," he said and I couldn't help but giggle when I realized he was teasing me.

“Stop that. You scared me," I said and he laughed softly.

“Sorry but honestly I have really missed you so much," he said warmly and I blushed.


“Yes, pumpkin. I wish you were here with me. Work is just boring," he said with a sad tone

Wanting to cheer him up, I started talking naughty.

“And what would you do to me if I was with you at work right now?"

“I would so kiss you," he said with eagerness, making me giggle.

”What else?" I asked, pushing him further as it was fun.

“I will squeeze those soft, thick ass of yours," he said with desire and I giggled some more.

“My ass ain't that thick," I pouted.

“What?! You are kidding, right? Your ass is fucking thick and soft pumpkin. I want you to sit on my face with it," he said nastily and I couldn't stop myself from laughing. It was funny and hot at the same time.

I do know I have a thick ass as I get a lot of compliments about my beauty and how big my ass is, especially from men but I enjoy hearing him in particular say it.

“You are so naughty, babe but I would love to sit on your face," I said naughtily.

“That's my girl. I would eat up that ass like a piece of cake," he said and I bit my lower lip imagining how it would feel.

I was starting to get excited in-between my legs and it got worse as he continued speaking naughty.

“..I want to eat up that pussy as well and suck those boobs while you stroke my dick," he said and from his tone I could tell he was hard just like I was wet.

“Fuck," I moaned softly touching myself as I played with my boobs imagining he was the one doing it.

“And I would so love it if you sit on my thighs and ride my dick," he said in a moan and his sexual voice just turned me on completely.

“Babe I am wet," I moaned, squeezing my nipples and tightening my legs together as my clitoris was throbbing.

“I am fucking hard as well. I honestly can't wait to go deep inside you," he said and I moaned.

Fuck! My pussy is vibrating.

“When will you be closing from work?" I asked as I couldn't wait to get fucked by him.

I have become really horny and I don't want to masturbate. I want a real, thick dick inside of me.

“That will be by 10," he replied sadly and I became frustrated.

“That's 5 hours away. I don't think I can wait that long. I really need you to fuck me now," I said shamelessly.

“Oh fuck. I am on my way now," he said and I became confused.

“I thought you would be closing by 10?" I reminded him what he just said.

“I know but I don't care. I am going to quit my job. My sweet pumpkin needs me," he said and I couldn't help but giggle.

“No you won't," I said.

“I will. I told you I will do anything for you," he said and I blushed.

“That's so sweet but please don't quit your job. I will wait till you get back," I said, taking my hand off my boobs.

“Are you sure?"

“Yes babe. You should get back to work now. I love you," I said.

“I love you too, sweet pumpkin," he said and he ended the call.

I don't know if he was joking about quitting his job. I feel he is joking but I really don't want to find out. Yes I am horny but waiting 5 hours for his dick isn't too long to wait. I can't let him quit his job just because I want him to make love to me. However I am still feeling horny.

I needed something to distract me but I couldn't think of anything. However, just then I heard the front door bell ring and I went to check who was at the door.

My best friend, Gloria! Just the person I need right now  to distract me from my naughty thoughts until Mike is around to satisfy me.

“I am so glad you are here," I said, embracing her.

“I know I am a celebrity and all but you are never this excited to see me. So what's up with you?" She stared at me skeptically and I tried to laugh her suspicion away.

“What are you talking about? I am always happy to see you," I said, smiling awkwardly but she gave me an unconvincing look.

“Yeah right. Anyways I am here to take you out," she said and I raised my brows.

“Take me out? Where to?" 

“Yes, take you out. I don't know where exactly but somewhere we can celebrate," she said and I was confused.

”Celebrate what?" I asked.

“Your engagement, you fool," she said teasingly as she tapped me on the forehead.

“Is that necessary?" I asked.

“Of course. It's not everyday that one's best friend gets engaged. Don't you think that's worth celebrating?" She asked.

“.." while I was still contemplating what she had said she spoke further.

“Plus you know I was the one who introduced you two together so you owe me one for making you meet the love of your life," she ended and a smile touched my lips.

Yes she is right, without her I would probably never have met Mike. You see Mike and Gloria kinda had a thing in the past before he became my boyfriend. More like she had a crush on him but he saw her as a friend and about a week after she introduced him to me Mike started chatting with me up romantically which I immediately told Gloria of course, since I knew she liked him but she told me she no longer has feelings for him and is cool if we became close.

About 3 weeks later Mike asked me out, I didn't want to accept his proposal at first because I didn't want any complications between Gloria and I because of a man but surprisingly enough she was the one who kept encouraging me to accept his proposal even though I was feeling awkward about it but thank God I accepted because he has been the best thing that has ever happened to me.

“Alright you win. Let's go celebrate but we have to be back by 10pm," I said and she gave me a weird look.

“Why do you have to be back home by 10?"

“No questions, just know this," I frowned.

 I didn't want to tell her my reason because I was embarrassed to say it was because I want to fuck Mike by 10pm and I also know if I told her she would use it to make jest of me the whole day if not week.

“Alright, alright go change or something," she said.

“Isn't what I am wearing good enough?" I asked, more like to hear her opinion even though I know she would disagree.

However I was surprised with her response.

“You want to wear this? Alright cool. Let's go," she said.

Normally she would want me to get dressed in a fancy gown and take my time in applying makeup before going out with her but it's cool as I do not have the strength for that.

“Alright then," I went with her...

Gloria took me to a club. It was fun as we drank and danced like high school girls but two hot girls can't have fun in peace without attracting attention; as swarms of mens came asking for a dance like bees attracted to honey. 

I didn't want to be rude so I didn't decline most of the offers but I tried my best to keep a safe distance between myself and them when dancing but all that these men want is to touch my body and stick their rotten dicks in-between my ass.

I kept on maintaining a safe distance but one man in particular who had a full beard like a grown lion and tattoos all over his body and face like some fucking anti-christ or something wasn't a respecter of personal space. He kept on touching me, squeezing my butt and colliding his boner against my ass like he was fucking me. 

It was so irritating but I tried my best not to complain as I could see my friend Gloria was having fun dancing with another man even more intimately than what I was experiencing however it could to a point I became so uncomfortable and had to put an end to the dance.

His dick was literally trying to get into my ass hole. Thank God that I was putting on thick jeans pants unless his hard boner would have drilled its way inside my fabric and into my ass.

It doesn't feel good at all. I am only comfortable getting naughty with the man I love, which is Mike. With any other man it just feels irritating and disgusting.

“Okay, I think that's enough. Thanks," I said politely to him.

“Come on love, let's dance some more," he said, still holding me and trying to rock my ass.

“No, I am done dancing and you really need to stop touching me. I don't like that," I warned him, still trying to sound as respectful as possible.

“What's your problem? Why are you acting like a kid? I just want to dance with you and I know you like it, you are just forming hard to get," he said, making attempts to touch my ass once again but I was shifting away from his grasp. 

“I said stop it. I don't want to dance with you!" I warmed firmly but he grabbed hold of me and was harassing me by grabbing my butt and pulling me closer to his body so his hard boner could rest on me.

“Let go of me! Fucking let go of me.." I struggled to break myself free from his grip but it wasn't easy and my heart was beginning to race in fear.

I needed help but my friend was carried away having fun with two guys dancing with her and the music was just too loud, no one could fucking hear my cry for help or they all choose to mind their business.

I managed to break free from him though as I pushed him away from me by the chest. “Fucking let go of me. I don't want to dance with you!!'" I yelled at the top of my voice in the process.

He still wanted to come at me though but thankfully I had created enough scene for my friend, Gloria to take notice of me and she came to my aid.

“What the fuck is your problem, huh? She said she isn't interested in dancing with you. So why don't you leave her the fuck alone or do you want me to call the cops?" She said in his face and the man slowly backed away, glaring at me as he left.

I felt like crying as this was the first time something like this has happened to me before. It's so scary and I just wanted to leave the place.

“I want to go home," I said to Gloria.

“But we just got here. Let's stay some more longer and you don't have to worry about him he won't bother you any more," she said trying to reassure me but there is no way I am staying here for another minute.

“No, I have to go. I really have to go. I want to go home," I said and I was literally shaking.

“It's alright I understand. Let me go get you a cab," she said and went to get a cab while I waited inside the club by the bar stand, trying to calm my nerves.

Filling the structure and pattern of the engagement ring on my finger I started regretting coming here in the first place. I should have waited for Mike to come back home. We usually go to the club together. I am sure if he was here with me what happened tonight would never have happened to me. My eyes went to my wrist watch and I saw that the time was 9: 20 pm.

Barely less than an hour before he returns home. I really need to be in his comforting arms at this moment.

A minute or two later Gloria came back to get me as a cab was waiting outside for me. After thanking and bidding her goodbye I motioned to the cab that was parked on the opposite side of the road. However as I grabbed hold of the passenger's door handle to open the door, I felt a presence behind me but as I tried to turn around someone grabbed hold of me from behind, covering my nose and mouth with a drugged handkerchief and I blacked out on the spot…

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