

I watch Mateo swear in Japanese as he paces around the room. Thankfully his mother is not here. She would have grabbed him by his ear and told him not to speak like that in her house. I am leaning against the wall as he continues his temper tantrum. He has every right to be pissed. I have no idea who those fuckers were that tried to follow Sapphire, but they caused an accident. Thankfully she and the others in the car weren’t seriously injured. Not only did the vehicle she was in crash the car that swerved to get out of their way had a mother with her two children in it. They weren’t seriously hurt either, which I am grateful for.

“Calm down, son. She is fine and Grant is on his way there to figure out what the fuck happened.” I tell him.

“She could have been killed. Who the fuck those bastards were?” He growls.

“That is what Grant is going to find out. He had spoken with his contacts down there, and I know they had a couple of guys watching her, but they were explici
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