

“At my age, player behavior in a bar is considered a rite of passage.” He waggled his eyebrows.

“How old are you?”

“Twenty-six. How old are you?” He shook his finger at her.

“And don’t pull that ‘never ask a woman her age’ crap.”

“I’m thirty…something.”

“And yet, you don’t look a day over twenty.”

“Did you attend the same cowboy charm school as your cousin Colt? Or is it inbred?”

“Cowboy charm is part of our DNA, darlin’. None of us can help it.” Blake’s smile faded. “Speaking of Colt…can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” she lied.

“Why haven’t you two dated? I mean, you are together all the time.”

All the time was stretching it…wasn’t it? “We’re just friends.”

“Might sound like I’m pandering to you, bein’s we’re on a date and all, but that’s probably a good thing you’re staying just friends.”

That got her back up. “Why?”

“Stubborn people like you two would kill each other.” He smiled. “Colt’s a good guy. He’s a great friend, actually, but I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that.”

No, she
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