

“You stay, and the press will have a field day,” Jack snarled. “Four men, one of them dead, two guns, and one naked woman all in the same hotel room. They’ll start asking questions that the son of a man running for president shouldn’t have raised. You leave, and I can play this like a bodyguard just doing his job. I’m friends with the locals. It will fly.”

Brandon hesitated. Jack could tell his former friend was torn, and he didn’t give a shit. He focused all his effort on stemming the flow of Morgan’s blood.

But nothing helped. The blood just kept running, flowing…

“Hang on, cher. Stay with me. You can’t give up, not now. Je t’aime, mon coeur.”

“You love her?” Brandon’s voice sounded thin, unsteady. He seemed shaken. “It’s not bullshit. You really love her?”

Jack didn’t have time to spare him a glance. “Yes, I love her, and I’m sure you’ll find some way to use it to cut me off at the balls. Right now, I need you to get the fuck out of here.”

“But she’s—”

“If this turns into a media c
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Comments (5)
goodnovel comment avatar
Where’s the updates?
goodnovel comment avatar
Jane Murr
Hurry up and let her and Jack get back together. And Brandon let everyone know she is his sister. Just to spite his asshole father.
goodnovel comment avatar
Letashya Howard
She wants Jack!

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