
130|Hole In My Heart-Part 1

Natalie snuck out of bed really early on Monday morning, and by the time the sun peaked on the horizon and Green Point stirred to life, she was already in an Uber, halfway across town and on her way to work.

Levi called just as she swiped her access card and entered the building.

"Where are you?" he asked as soon as she answered his call, his confusion dripping through his voice.

"At Chassis."

"How did you get there? And when?"

"I took an Uber, and I've just arrived," she replied.

"Why didn't you wait for me? You knew I'm coming in today."

Yes, she knew he was returning to work today; he'd told her last night when he came to bed. But she had too many reasons for sneaking out on him, and it would take her the whole day to go through them all, so she settled for the easy one. "I have a tight deadline. Finance is expecting their month-end report by midday."

"I see," Levi said. But his tone told her he didn't see at all. "We'll talk about this when I see you."

Before Natalie could tell hi
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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Elizabeth Emery
That is going to be so heart breaking if she is dead. Natalie needs to take a lesson from Colleen's disappearance and kpen up to Lrvi and stop distancing herself from him.

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