
Chapter 54

**Jason's POV**

It felt like I just laid down, it's been a crazy day.

Sophie has been banished to her parents house. No longer allowed at the pack house. She is not to address me by anything but my title and she pitched a fit! A full blown tantrum breaking and throwing shit. Max had to restrain her and I ordered her parents to get her crazy ass into therapy.

Alpha! Speak! We have an intruder On the west border, by the river.

Luan subdued it but it is refusing to shift. Hold in place. On my way I wake Max and Jeremy alerting them to the intruder and we haul ass to the river. Within minutes we are approaching smell honey and cinnamon.

I also smell blood. Blood? Aves has gone ape shit and leapt into warp speed and he's not listening to me in his anger. We rush into the clearing and I see her! A magnificent white wolf blood pouring from her side, staining the fur red and her right leg twisted at a difficult angle.

Max has shifted wearing shorts and holding a pair for me. I immediately sh
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