
Chapter five

Millie's POV

I arrived at Gabrielle's place fifteen minutes later. She was busy preparing the dinner and setting plates on the table. I quickly noticed that there were three plates.

" Is someone else coming?" I asked, even if I knew the answer already. After all, I was greeted with the smell of curry at the entrance—Gabrielle's boyfriend's favorite dish.

My best friend blushed, and I knew I was correct. Michael was coming. Awesome, that was precisely what I needed today.

Me and Michael never got along.

Gabrielle met her boyfriend at one of those fancy lawyers' events and got smitten almost instantly.

They were a couple for more than four years, and he still did not propose to her, even if she was the best thing that happened to him. I doubted he could see that. Of course, as any good lawyer, he could play any role perfectly. In front of Gabrielle, he was a loving and caring boyfriend, but I had more than one chance to see him glancing at other women for much longer than would be appropriate.

I tried to reason with Gabrielle, but she was blind*d by love and always ready to find excuses for his behavior. I had no other choice but to give up. Maybe one day, my friend will see her boyfriend's true colors. I was only afraid that it would break her heart.

" How did it go?" Gabrielle asked, stirring in the pot.

I sat on one of the chairs and let out a heavy breath.

" Great," I said sarcastically. " Apparently, everyone knew Mark was cheating on me with Sandra. They called it love. On top of that, Sandra is pregnant with his child."

" Shut up!" My friend reacted in her usual way. I shrugged my arms, as what else could I say?

" So they will live together?" She asked, sitting in front of me.

" Yes, in the apartment that was once mine," I added dryly. " My generous father took it from me and gave it to them, together with a company. So now, I have no place to stay and no work. My life is great."

" I can't believe that your father agreed to all of that." Gabrielle shook her head.

" Me neither, but it is what it is. Luckily, I have some extra savings that should be enough to buy myself a small apartment. But for now, can I stay in here?" I looked at my friend pleadingly.

" You do not have to ask." Gabrielle waved her hand dismissively.

"Thank you. I will try to get something as soon as possible. I do not want to be a burden," I said quietly.

" Do not think about it. My house is always open for you. Besides, I owe you. " My friend replied with a small smile.

That was true, but I would never pull this card on her.

When Gabrielle finished her education, she struggled to find a job as no one was fond of hiring a lawyer with no experience, even if she graduated with honors. Her money was tight, but she was too proud to ask her parents for help. They could not forgive her for choosing law school instead of the med school they chose for her.

At those times, she lived with me rent-free, and I also used my father's connections to help her start her first job.

Now, the roles reversed, and I was the one needing help.

I remembered about the man I met today.

" Funny thing...," I started talking, but then the doorbell was heard, and Gabrielle rushed to the door.

A minute later, she returned, together with Michael, whose face scrunched as soon as he saw me.

" Milicent, I did not expect to see you here." He said, purposely using my full name, knowing well how I hated it. Whenever someone called me that, I instantly felt like an old lady who lived alone together with her cats.

" It is good to see you, too, Michael," I smirked.

" Millie will stay with me for a while." Gabrielle interrupted our pleasantries.

" Is that so?" Michael looked at her, raising his brow. I could already see the plan forming in his mind about how to get rid of me. He tried to distance Gabrielle from me, knowing I was not his big fan, but he failed.

" Millie is going through some hard times, and I offered her my help." My friend explained while I was trying to get her attention and let her know to stay quiet, but of course, it did not work.

" Troubles in paradise?" Michael looked at me with a sly smile.

" Temporary, but I am glad it makes you happy," I replied and watched his smile drop.

" Why do you think it makes me happy? " He asked in a panicked voice since Gabrielle glanced at him questioningly.

" I just felt like it does," I replied innocently." But maybe I was wrong."

Michael shot me a glare, and I barely contained my smile. It was nice to put him back in line. Gabrielle could love him, but he knew that an open attack on me would mean problems to him. We promised each other that no man would come between us, and I knew Gabrielle would honor this promise.

"Let's eat." My friend said, placing a pot with curry on the table.

I focused on my food while they engaged in some irrelevant conversation.

I knew that Michael would drop the matter for now, but I also knew that it wouldn't last long. That meant I would have to solve my living arrangement problem soon. I would do it anyway since I loved to be independent. I promised to visit the bank first thing tomorrow morning and find out what I could buy with my savings. It would be nothing close to the apartment I had, but it would be mine, and no one would have rights to it.

Michael left after two hours while Gabrielle and I decided to have a movie marathon, supported by a bottle of wine. We laughed and joked, and for a brief moment, I forgot about my current situation.

I fell asleep on the couch during the last movie. Stress from this whole day and wine took a toll on me.

The next day, I woke up, showered, and rushed to the bank while Gabrielle still slept.

" Good morning. I would like to withdraw my money. My name is Milicent Brown," I said as soon as it was my turn.

The bank worker offered me a small smile and tapped my details on the computer. Lindsay was the name on her tag.

" I am sorry, but it is impossible. " She looked at me with concern.

" What do you mean?" I asked, surprised by her words.

" According to the system, your money had been transferred to another account." Lindsay looked at me suspiciously.

" Which account?" My voice was dangerously calm.

" The account belongs to Deborah Brown."


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