
Chapter four

Alexander's POV

I looked at my father, trying my best to hide my annoyance. How many times can we return to the subject I was not too fond of? Why they can't let me live the way I want?

" Seriously, Dad? This again?" I asked, shaking my head.

" Yes, son, this again." He replied coldly.

Maxwell Foster was a tough man who built his empire and ruled it with an iron fist. He never gave up, no matter what.

Now, as his son, I became the CEO of Forster Inc. I have worked at this company for many years, starting at the bottom and climbing. I could be the only son of my father, but he made sure I would learn to respect everyone's work here before handing me the highest responsibility. I proved myself, and now he could retire with peace of mind.

Our company was one of the largest in the country and needed to be supervised without a break, but I loved it. Someone would say I was a workaholic, but my office was my favorite place, right after my apartment, which was a man's cave.

I was a CEO for a year, and our empire grew under my watchful eye. I thought it would be enough to get my parents off my back, but I could not be more wrong.

" It is time for you to get married." My father said the most hated words.

" Dad, I am only twenty-five. There is still time," I replied calmly, even if I knew how pointless it was.

"At your age, I already had two years old son." He reminded me as if I had not heard this story a hundred times already.

" Yes, but back then, the company was just starting. I have a lot on my plate right now. Marriage is not on my list," I used the same argument as always, but my father just shook his head.

" You should have a wife. Someone down to earth who will take care of you. How long do you want to meet with those girls who care only about the money?"

" I do not complain. None of those are serious. Just a little bit of fun, " I spoke offendedly.

Like every man, I had my affairs, but at the beginning, I always made those women clear not to get too attached. We had our fun, and that was all. No harm done, as both sides were satisfied.

"Let's make it clear," my father used his business tone, and now I knew the jokes were over. " In two months, I want you to become the only owner of the company. It will happen only if you get married. So, you should better start looking, as I do not want to see any gold digger."

With those words, my father left my office. Sh*t! How am I supposed to find a wife in two months? The good one, as my family will not accept anything less.

I ran my hand through my hair, leaning back on my chair. My head was spinning. There was no way I could get any job done right now, so I grabbed my phone and called my assistant.

"Cancel my meetings for today. I need to clear my mind, " I spoke when John entered my office.

" Tough conversation?" He asked with a smirk.

We worked together for years, and he was more than just my assistant. He was also my friend.

" You can say that, " I replied dryly. John was fully aware of the hard time my father was giving me, and I think it was amusing him. After all, he was happily married to his high school sweetheart.

I left my office and drove straight to my apartment, where I changed into my jogging clothes.

My place was a simple man cave filled with computer games, books, and anything that man could need to be happy. But what was most important was that nothing could let anyone discover my status. Here, I was myself, not the son of the wealthiest man in the country.

I left my apartment to get some proper jogging. Physical activity has always helped me to calm down. I ran for at least twenty minutes when my phone rang. I stopped to check on this and almost cursed when I saw my mother's number. It looks like the conversation with my father was not enough for today. I pressed the button on my earplug, and my mother's voice filled my ears.

" Hello dear, I have heard about the meeting with your father. Do not worry. I am sure he was not serious. I will talk to him."

I tried my best not to roll my eyes, listening to my mother. They were married for so long, and she still believed she could make him change his mind.

" Okay, Mom, you can do that. I am sorry, but I need to finish, as I have something to do," I said as politely as possible before she could say anything else.

Luckily, my mother understood my intentions.

"Okay, honey, I hope you will come to visit us soon. You cannot hide in your apartment all the time. "

" I will see what I can do about that, " I said without giving any particular date, or she would stick to it. I hung up, and at the same time, a bike passed me at a ridiculous speed.

I stumbled and heard the sound of something crushing under my feet. I looked down just to find out I destroyed a cup. The coffee inside was now spilled all around, including the shoes of the young woman sitting on the bench. She raised her head, and I was met with the most grey eyes I have ever seen in my life. They were filled with tears. I felt like a complete idiot, even if that was clearly an accident.

" I am so sorry," I mumbled and kneeled to clean my mess. " Are you hurt?"

" No." She whispered and burst into tears.


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