
Colt 4


   "Hate to say this, but you look like crap," Curt says as soon as I roll over to see him in his favorite recliner. 

  "I don't feel too good either," I admit while forcing my sore body into a sitting position. 

"Dad might be middle-aged, but I think he hits harder than a linebacker in his prime," I mumble, and Curt laughs. 

"Maybe don't punch your dad next time," Shelby says as she enters the living room carrying two coffee mugs. 

     She hands one to Curt before turning and giving me the other. 

  "Thank you, " I whisper as guilt hits me over my behavior. 

   I never meant to fight my father. I didn't even really think before I threw the first punch. I was just so hurt and angry at the fact he could think that about me. I wanted to hurt him back. I wanted to inflict pain on him physically because he had just destroyed me emotionally. 


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