

As the chaos that had gripped the Moonlight pack finally subsided, a sense of relief washed over Louis. He could feel the weight of exhaustion settling upon him, a reminder of the demanding days he had endured. With a contented sigh, he made his way to his room, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Upon entering the room, he found his wife, Anna, already fast asleep. The sight of her peaceful slumber brought a sense of tranquility to his heart. He quietly undressed and slipped into bed beside her, the weariness of the past days starting to catch up with him.

As he lay beside Anna, he couldn't help but watch her for a moment, admiring the serenity that graced her sleeping face. It was moments like these that reminded him of the anchor she provided in his life, a source of comfort and solace.

Reflecting on the events of the past few days, Louis felt a mixture of emotions – relief, gratitude, and a lingering sense of responsibility. The illness outbreak had taken a toll on t
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