

I was flipping through each page of the file, trying to identify what needed to be changed, but I couldn’t place my finger on it. I was still engrossed when they all returned from meeting the new president. Laughter and friendly banter filled the air.

"Oh. My. God. He is so dreamy like something out of a romance novel!" Mia gushed, giggling like a schoolgirl.

Derby, who's married, chimed in, "I can already picture having his babies!"

"Hey now, keep those babies to yourself, Mrs. Taken! The rest of us single ladies call dibs," Mia playfully nudged her.

I wished I could join in this conversation, but the pressure to deliver wouldn’t allow me to act like a normal human being.

Celine did one of those loud cough-clears to get everyone's attention. "Alright ladies, that's enough daydreaming. Let’s get back to business!"

As everyone shuffled back to their desks, Celine zeroed in on me. "You. Yeah, you over there. Can we have a word?"

I looked around, realizing she meant me. "Who, me?"

She rolled her eyes. "No, the invisible person behind you. Yes, you, dummy!"

I got up and walked over, bracing myself for her wrath. Celine had this way of making me feel about two inches tall.

"You know, whenever I try to talk to you, I feel like a complete bitch. But today, in our very first meeting with the new president, you made me look incompetent."

"I'm so sorry, Celine. That wasn't my intent at all," I apologized quickly.

"Save your sorry. You know the first thing he asked for when he got here? That file you oh-so-conveniently couldn’t prepare for me. I had to bullshit my way through that one, and there is nothing I hate more than going in unprepared."

“I’m so sorry. It won’t happen again” I said but in my mind, I was thinking, “It was ready, you chose to be mean to me only to get the heat.”

"It better not," she said sternly. "Because you're going to present that file to him yourself tomorrow morning. And just so we're clear - I want the thacolouror scheme femme up a bit, got it? This is a professional services firm, not a frat house."

I started to protest that gendering the aesthetic didn't seem appropriate, but the icy glare she shot me shut me up fast.

"No problem at all," I replied carefully. "Feminincolouror palette. Got it."

"That's what I thought," Celine said with a sarcastic sweetness as she turned and headed for her office.

I headed back to my desk, feeling about two inches tall again. This was going to be a long night...

The clock ticked past midnight, but I barely noticed, too engrossed in the glow of my laptop screen determined to perfect this before morning.

“Still at it, huh?”

My mom’s gentle voice pulled me away from the laptop screen. I glanced up with bleary eyes to see her leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed, eyebrow raised in that classic look of disapproval.

“Yeah, just…trying to wrap up this task for my new boss” I replied sheepishly, running a hand through my dishevelled hair. “Want to make a good first impression, you know?”

She sighed softly, shaking her head as she crossed the room. “By running yourself into the ground before you even start?

“Mom, I got this. It’s only temporary” I said trying to make her feel better.

She sank onto the bed beside me and placed her gentle hand on my arm. “Sweetie, I understand, but remember looking after yourself is crucial too. I've prayed endlessly for you to get this dream job, but your health and well-being matter just as much," she said, a touch of sorrow evident in her eyes.

"Mom, everything I do, every late night, every effort, it's all for you and Dawson. I want us to have a better life, to never feel looked down upon again. This is just a phase," I reassured her, trying to ease her worries.

"I hate seeing you struggle like this. It’s heartbreaking to witness how you have taken on various jobs and endured insults from people, all because of us. And now that you've landed a decent job, it's like you're losing yourself, and I fear that your health will suffer. I just can’t find that happiness in you anymore, but you won’t open up to me. You shouldn’t hear this burden alone. I can’t help but feel like we've failed you, your dad, and I," her voice cracked as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Please don’t say that, Mom. You and Dad have been incredible parents. I wouldn't trade you for anything, not in this life or the next," I said, my own emotions starting to surface as I hugged her tightly.

"Dawson doesn't have a father because of us," she began, but I interrupted gently.

"Mom, please. It's not your fault. It's on them, not you or Dad. Dawson is happy with just us. We'll be okay, I promise," I assured her, trying to offer comfort amid her worries.

She clung to me fiercely and I felt her body begin to shake with quiet sobs. We stayed like that for a long while. At last, Mom sniffed and pulled back, offering me a watery smile as she cupped my cheek. “My sweet angel. What would I do without you?”

I managed a half grin, covering her hand with mine. “Hopefully, we never have to find out. We’ve got this, okay? Like always – me, you, and D against the world

She nodded, a few defiant tears still sliding down her cheek. “Damn straight. This family’s too stubborn to give up.”

“That’s the spirit, mama” I cheered as I reached for my laptop, fully intent on completing the task to Celine’s satisfaction. It was a matter of finishing it today or facing Celine’s wrath and the latter was not an option.

“Let me get you something to eat while you work. You’ve got this, my angel.” She said as she got up and exited the room

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