
Chapter 10 Alicia's Return

Straightening her shoulders, Alicia strolled towards the steps, stopping when she felt everybody staring at her. Well, she did look like a mess. But it felt different this time.

“Back already?” A woman she recognised but didn’t know folded her arms, leaning against one of the pillars of the mansion, looking Alicia up and down with disdain as she blew out a puff of smoke from her cigarette. “Being a breeder wasn’t what you expected?”

How did this woman know she was meant to be someone’s breeder? Didn’t Alpha and Luna want to keep what happened quiet? If gossip spreads about how they forcibly took the beta's daughter, no matter how unwanted she was, to another alpha and became his breeder, it could tarnish Alpha Valko and Luna Fiona's reputation and that of the Blue Crescent pack.

“Hey, I’m sure I can keep up with your slutty ways,” a man snickered behind her. She spun around, wide-eyed, shocked at his disgusting gesture, hand grabbing his groin over his jeans.

“Excuse me?!” Her hands clenched by her sides.

“Don’t, Jay, she’s a dirty whore!”

“Yeah, that pussy is used and saggy now!” Another called out from the side. "You might catch something!"

“So filthy.”

Her heart dropped to her stomach as ice trickled down her spine at the pack members whispering about her so crudely.

Alicia had only been gone overnight.

Why did it feel like she was back at school? Yet it felt three times worse. What was happening right now?

“Oh yeah, I know her. Poor Darci was crying all night yesterday because of what she did.” That voice she recognised. It was Darci’s minion, Penelope. She was surrounded by a few other girls they went to school with. Alicia then realised it was a Saturday morning, which was why they weren’t in school.

Alicia’s eyes narrowed on Penelope, and she marched towards her, ignoring some of the male werewolves telling her she would have a good time with them or calling her a slut. “What was that?” She demanded, stopping in front of the group of girls.

The girls backed away, pretending that she was some sort of disease.

“So distasteful.”

“Poor Darci.” Alicia kept hearing that over and over again. She was sick of it! Alicia was always the villain. What did she ever do to deserve this?!

Ignoring their whispers, she pinpointed Penelope with a glare.

“Why was my precious sister crying?” She demanded, almost snarling.

Penelope looked at her with disgust. “Honestly, you two are so different… Did you really volunteer to be an alpha’s breeder?”

“What?” She was dumbfounded.

“It’s pitiful, really. You would rather be a breeder than face the fact Tom chose Darci instead of you,” Penelope continued, unaware of the rage coiling inside Alicia.

“I volunteered to be the alpha’s breeder?” She asked in disbelief, in utter outrage. "Why would I ever do that?"

Before Penelope could answer or repeat her sneering insults like everybody else, Alicia turned away, storming into the pack house. More pack members scorned her for her behaviour; it was making her feel sick and dizzy. Nevertheless, she persevered, allowing her anger to infuse her suddenly weak body with energy.

Almost blinded by rage, it took Alicia a second too long to realise she stumbled across the main living room. Darci was just walking in the opposite direction towards the bathroom when Alicia arrived, unaware of her sister's sudden appearance. Tom straightened up on the sofa, his relaxed demeanour souring once his eyes met hers, and her parents were on the other sofa, drinking coffee, looking overly comfortable and smug with themselves.

Now that she had been removed from the picture, they must have looked like the perfect little family. Somehow, her heart shattered into more pieces. It felt as though everything had fallen into its rightful place.

Emma and beta Fred’s eyes widened when they landed on Alicia. “Why?” She asked coolly. Their mouths were slightly agape, but the shock swiftly wore off, replaced with their glares.

“Why do you hate me so much?!” She shouted her voice breaking, feeling years of abuse clutching at her chest and choking on her throat as she stared at the people who were meant to be her parents.

Before either answered, Tom rose from the couch, glaring at Alicia. “Why did you volunteer to be another alpha’s breeder?” He snapped. “You wanted to leave the pack so badly? Leave me so badly?”

Alicia stared at him incredulously. Tom cheated on her with Darci, then gets engaged to Darci, and then speaks this nonsense?! How did she ever like this guy? Was he trash the entire time? She had no words to respond to the vomit he just spewed.

“Now, now, Tom. Ask her like that, and you might upset your fiance.” Luna Fiona sauntered into the living room with a malicious smirk aimed at Alicia, followed by Alpha Valko. “Why don’t you go find sweet Darci and leave this whore to us?”

“You deal with her. I must see my brother-”

“No. You mustn’t let him wait too long, or he might see what a joke this pack is.” A deep voice boomed from behind Alicia. Her shoulders tensed slightly at the sound but swiftly relaxed, suddenly feeling safer with the mysterious Alpha she thought had left earlier.

Although Alicia felt safer, her cheeks heated in embarrassment. The Apha must have heard all of their drama. She'd hoped to keep a somewhat good impression with him, but that idea crumbled.

“Rowan,” Alpha Valko greeted through gritted teeth. “This isn’t something you should waste your time watching. Why are you here?”

Every word was spat out with such venom that Alicia stepped back in Rowan’s direction. It was ridiculous, really. Rowan didn’t need protection, especially protection from a weakling like her.

Hold on a damn second… Alicia's mind had been reeling with Rowan's sudden arrival and her own mounting frustrations towards the toxic individuals surrounding her, that she must have misheard Alpha Valko.

“Why wouldn’t I be here?” Rowan questioned the other Alpha, his steps sounding against the marble floors as he closed the distance to Alicia. His arm hooked around her waist, tugging her into his side.

What is he doing? Alicia’s heart sped, almost bursting out of her chest. He was going to ruin whatever reputation he had being affiliated with her. Yet, the warmth of his hand was comforting, almost seeping more energy into her the longer he held her there, almost protectively. She unknowingly leaned into him, needing the stability he provided.

Alicia stared up at him, watching the muscle tick in his jaw.

“What’s going on here…” Tom’s voice rose to a panic as he looked between Alicia and Rowan. “Uncle, why are you… Get away from her!” He marched towards them, rounding the L-shaped sofa, only stopping when Darci’s heels clicked against the floorboards. She stopped him from going further, hand curling into his bicep.

“Pfft, what does it look like?” Darci sneered, resting her head against Tom’s bicep. “Alicia probably whored herself out-”

“Say one more word about my MATE, and I will slice that pretty little neck of yours open and burn this place to the ground.”

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