
Chapter 85 The Winter Howl Pack (3)

Rowan paused on the other end of the line. Alicia could tell he was still uncertain.

“I have my elven powers as well,” Alicia added. “Let me come to the Winter Howl pack.”

“They’re not friendly here, Alicia-”

“I don’t need them to be to help treat the disease,” Alicia insisted again.

Rowan breathed a sigh down the phone, and Alicia smiled widely. She’d already won him over.

“Garnet needs to stay at the pack,” Rowan said, relenting to his wife’s insistence.

“I can drive there.” Alicia learned to drive during her time at university. It wasn’t necessary considering Rowan and his driver always picked her up. In times like this, it came in handy.

“I don’t like the idea of you coming here without a guard.” Alicia could hear Rowan pacing on the other end of the phone.

“I will be fine. Nobody expects me to leave the pack and arrive in the North. Even if somebody did follow with ill intentions, I can take care of myself, and so can Alpine.” Alicia was already in their bedroom packing a bag.

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