
Chapter 7 Alpha of Bloody Claw (2)

Rowan yanked the back door open, the force so powerful it came off the hinges and flung aside. The man inside was too startled and didn't react quickly enough before he was next tossed to the side like he weighed nothing. Voss skidded to a stop, dressed in nothing but tracksuit bottoms, bag slung over his back.

The man on the ground glared at Rowan’s back and retrieved a gun from his back pocket. Voss swiftly intervened and kicked the gun out of his hand, causing it to slide across the concrete as he decked him in the face repeatedly. While he fought the man on the ground, Rowan faced a different situation.

“Leave or I’ll cut her open,” the man snapped, digging a blade just below the woman’s breasts, pricking the material until her shirt grew damp with a bit of blood.

Rowan saw red at that. “I don’t take orders from scum,” he growled. “Or anyone for that matter…” In a single second, Rowan crushed the man’s hand, gripped the dagger, ignoring the silver burning his skin and stabbed the man in the eye. Blood spurted outwards, spraying the side of the woman’s almost snow-white hair and turning it deep red on one side.

The woman gasped, yet she squeezed her eyes shut instead of panicking further. Good girl. Rowan yanked the dagger out of the man’s eye and slit it across his throat. Blood flowed down his neck and into his shirt; the man’s mouth opened and shut before he slid across the seat and into the window.

“You’re safe now,” Rowan said softly, looking over her. “I’m going to lift you out of the car, okay?”

The angelic woman nodded, those ethereal eyes still clenched shut, lips trembling until she sucked her lower lip beneath the other. Rowan’s arms slid beneath her small frame, disgusted at himself by how much he enjoyed feeling this stranger in his arms. Yet, despite his inner conflict, it felt so right.

“What is your name?” He asked gently, continuing to carry her towards his town car.

She swallowed before murmuring, “Alicia.”

By the Goddess, her voice was heavenly.

“Alicia?” He tested the sound of her name on his tongue.

Alicia’s eyes sprung open, a soft hitch in her breath as she finally rested her eyes on the man who’d violently saved her. His voice was deep and smooth, like velvet caressing along her skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. She finally looked up at the man who rescued her, forcing her jaw to work and not fall open at the sculpted god above her.

Who was this man? Was she still asleep, and this was a dream? It was a dream, surely? She was actually still in the back of the car, right?

Alicia had never had a thing for a man in a suit before, but this man… well, he could probably wear a bin bag and still make it work. With broad shoulders, solid muscles beneath his suit pressing against her, a sharp jaw that could slice fingers, stubble that was shaved perfectly, accentuating his jaw and cheekbones, and the ruggedness of his slightly too long night sky black hair that brushed the top of his collar. His eyes… she was sure they were blue… But he wasn’t looking ahead, not at her-

“I’m Rowan.” He looked down, and she was swallowed into the depths of the ocean. Blue waves washed over her, enthralling her and commanding her attention. He had a powerful presence, one that demanded submission and demanded others pay attention to him, and now she felt a little dizzier, realising he was more than likely an alpha werewolf.

When he discovers, she’s an omega… His kindness would grow frosty, arctic even. Alicia didn’t have the strength in her right now to be dealt such a blow. Not from this man.

A man who was nothing but a stranger, yet he’d swooped in and saved the day like a hero.

“Rowan,” Alicia forced a small smile on her lips even as she felt intimidated under his gaze.

Rowan placed her gently on the ground in front of his car, steadying her until he thought she was okay and walked behind her, flicking open his knife. Alicia tensed, and her trembling began again. “Easy, darling.” He cut through the rope, binding her wrists together, and hid the flip knife in his inside pocket again. “There, see.”

Rowan fought the temper flaring in his chest and from his voice as he looked at the red markings and torn flesh from the rope around Alicia’s wrists. He should have prolonged their deaths, but Alicia was already frightened, and he didn’t want her to be scared of him, too. “Are you hurt anywhere?” He peered around her, gaze following down her body, noting the torn tights and milky flesh beneath her skirt.

Alicia shook her head and rotated her wrists.

Why did he worry if she was scared of him or concerned about her injuries? This was unlike him. He was used to others fearing him, and he didn't care for strangers. Alicia didn't feel like a stranger, though they'd never met.

Clearing his throat, Rowan gestured to the car, opening the door. “Let’s get you out of here.”

Inside the car, Alicia took Voss’ seat, and he sat in the passenger seat up front, fully dressed now. Rowan watched her from the corner of his eyes, uncaring when she felt his gaze and looked up only to look away, blushing. He wanted to see those eyes, so pure, yet full of an array of emotions, many he was used to seeing in the reflection of himself in the mirror. What has this girl been through?

Alicia had been so tense, full of adrenaline, worrying over what might happen next, and slightly broken from heartache. She knew her parents never loved her, but this confirmed it. Her dad, no, he’d never acted as her father—beta Fred was the one who gave her to those people. She was almost another pack’s breeder!

Now, in the presence of this man, she felt the safest she’d ever been in such a long time. Even through her aching body, a wave of warmth and comfort washed over her as she allowed her muscles to relax, and slowly, her eyes drooped into a slumber.

When Alicia next woke up, her lips parted at the sight of the handsome stranger hovering above her. It wasn’t until she felt the soft mattress below her that she realised they were in a bedroom, and he'd carried her to the bed.

“Get some rest.” Rowan tucked her hair behind her ear. It was then she noted his jacket was gone, leaving his pressed shirt, three buttons undone, revealing his chest, sleeves rolled up, showing off his thick forearms. Slowly, he pulled away until her hand clutched at his shirt.

“Don’t…” Her voice shook, eyes meeting his, heat rushing to her cheeks as every little thing that happened to her crashed into her like a punch to the gut. She suddenly felt so lonely. “Don’t leave me. Please”

Rowan’s eyes flicked between hers. “I didn’t plan to, darling.”

Before all her emotions consumed her and the courage clutching her heart waned, Alicia leaned up and brushed her lips against his, tentatively, waiting with bated breath at his response. Rowan’s body relaxed into hers, a low groan rumbling from his mouth and into hers. At the press and heat of his body, Alicia gasped, and the sweet kiss she began erupted passionately.

Rowan deepened their kiss, tongue delving into her mouth, devouring her, dominating her. She thought Tom could kiss, but this man was on an entirely different level. That one thought of her ex, though, was pushed out of her mind as her skirt inched upwards; the feel of Rowan’s calloused hand gliding along her soft skin was just as intoxicating as the man himself.

Alicia’s legs parted as her head rested against the pillow, her arms sliding around the back of his neck, fingers sinking into his soft hair, tugging slightly to the building moan in her voice. His hand was between her legs, and the foreign heat of his hand made her burn with desire, wanting more. He chuckled against her lips as she moved her hips against him.

Rowan didn’t wait; he was already aware of what she needed, her damp underwear was evident. He pulled it aside, finger slipping inside of her as his lips delved into her neck, kissing and nipping while a breathy moan escaped those plump lips. His own growl ripped through them as he felt her tightness squeeze on his finger.

“Fuck,” he muttered, needing her to adjust to him pumping inside of her. He slid another finger inside and watched as her eyes widened, those eyes he could find himself lost into, and lips parting as he slowly played with her.

Rowan watched her expressions as he twisted his fingers, scissored them, and hooked them deep within her, feeling her grow wetter for him, and her hips move against him, wanting more.

His gaze moved along her body and her ruffled, dirtied clothes. “Take it off,” he ordered quietly, pulling his fingers away, causing her to whimper. He smirked, sitting up to watch her remove her clothes and reveal that soft skin and sexy body that was beneath.

Alicia swallowed down the dryness of her throat from the intense, heated gaze Rowan was watching her with. She’d never felt so… sexy before. The way he watched her every little movement. It encouraged her to strip slowly for him. Standing between his legs on the side of this super king-size bed, the shirt and skirt dropped to the ground, revealing her matching blue underwear set.

It was far from sexy. There was no lace, and it was a little tattered and worn. But Alicia didn’t feel embarrassed under his gaze. The way he still watched her, the way his fingers skimmed along her underwear, tempting her to take it off quicker, so he could see what was underneath, melted away any of her insecurities.

She reached back, and her bra dropped to the ground, breasts falling out. Before she could dip down to remove her underwear, Rowan’s lips were on her pink buds, sucking and biting. Her head fell back, her body becoming overbearingly hot as desire shot straight through her.

Rowan couldn’t hold back anymore, his length strained against his pants, almost painfully so with this enchantress before him. With such plump breasts that barely fit in his hands and a round ass like that, along with how utterly beautiful she was, how could anyone not hold back.

Rowan’s fingers pulled at her underwear next while his tongue trailed down from her breasts across her stomach until he was between her legs. Alicia gasped so loudly, one fist going to her mouth, the other hand grasping at his hair as his tongue delved between her folds, lapping up her juices, exploring her, and enjoying the taste of her. He propped her leg up on the bed and started fucking her with his tongue.

Alicia’s eyes rolled back, her body feeling as though she was floating, her muscles tensing as wave after wave of bliss crashed over her. Rowan held her waist instantly before she lost her balance and lay her back on the bed. Her nipples pebbled at the cold from where he went missing in her hazy state until he returned naked.

She wanted to appreciate the view he was giving her, that artwork now on display for her to see, but he was between her legs, cock sinking inside of her, stretching her insides before she could. He thrust into her so deeply, her back arched and lips parted, trying to inhale more air, suddenly needing it to the sheer size of him.

Alicia looked back at her saviour, legs wrapping around his waist and exploring his mouth. She let him play her body like a fiddle and, in response, would cry out a tune to the indescribable pleasure he roused. Their breaths became uneven, panting after he found his release, pulling out and kissing her gently on the lips. He left her momentarily to clean her and couldn't stop smiling when her hand intertwined with his, but her eyelids drooped.

Rowan tossed the tissue aside, climbed back into bed, and pulled her to his side. Alicia passed out instantly, a small smile on her lips. Rowan watched her quietly, eyes trailing every inch of her body, enjoying the feel of her skin against his, the thrumming sensation and utter peace he felt from having her in his arms.

There was a reason he’d felt so obsessed with her from the very start.

Alicia was his mate.

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Heather W
The sex scene was well written and INTENSE. We love to see it.
goodnovel comment avatar
I would prefer less graphic sex. I tend to skip over it usually.

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