
Chapter 4 Left on Read

Rechecking her phone, Alicia frowned at the screen. Since their argument, Tom hadn’t contacted her, even after she’d sent her usual good morning texts. They were only in a few classes together, but it was the end of the week when their lessons weren’t scheduled. It looked like he was avoiding her, but it was hard to say when she hadn’t even seen him.

Still, Alicia refused to give in to his wishes. It appears they are at a breaking point. Tom was such a nice break from her harsh reality; he’d always been there to help her through the tough times with her family and the bullying of the pack, which had worsened since her 18th birthday. Tom was a huge part of her life, but she stood by not giving in to him.

It was hard to believe that Tom wanted anything more than sex from her. All guys at this age, no matter what species, were raging with hormones and wanted to lose their virginity or sleep around. Why would Tom, the next Alpha, like the outcast of Blue Crescent? She knew it could be easy to manipulate her.

Alicia didn’t have any friends in the pack, so it got lonely, and anyone could take advantage of that. Who would like a wolfless she-wolf? It was a headache, surely?

“Alicia! Table 2!” Her boss, Ryan, shouted from behind the counter. “Put your phone away or go home!”

Alicia jolted out of her spiralling thoughts. The good thing about having a busy life between work and studies was she didn’t have long to linger on her pressing social issues. Yet she was also too exhausted by the end of the day to focus on those issues. Alicia returned to her work, slipped her phone into her pocket and went to the next customer.

The evening shift sped by, and after taking her break, Alicia returned to see Tom entering the diner. “Tom?” Her heart rate ran at the sight of him. It had only been a few days, but it felt like weeks!

Tom smiled, his eyes lighting up as he revealed a bouquet of flowers from behind him. Alicia’s mouth parted at the wonderous sight and how much they must have cost. “Tom!” She squealed, jumping up and embracing him.

Tom caught her and kissed her. “I’m sorry it took so long to come around. It wasn’t cool leaving you on read. I just had to… You know, think about what you said. We’ve been together a while, and I can see how important it is to you. I respect that-”

“Hey! This isn’t some chick flick drama! This is my diner! You can make up after closing time!” Ryan, Alicia’s boss, grumbled, tossing a kitchen towel to the side, scowling at the young couple.

Tom’s smile dried up, and he glared at the man, his eyes turning red to his domineering wolf. “Lousy human,” he snapped. “You have no choice in the matter. I will see Alicia.”

Alicia’s eyes widened at the tension growing between Ryan and Tom. She worked at a human diner outside of the pack territory. This wasn’t in Tom’s domain, but the world hierarchy left humans as lower beings to them.

Ryan didn’t typically accept werewolves, but one look at Alicia, and he didn’t deny her a job. Due to her excellent customer service, the diner had more regulars returning. Her boss started grumbling about disrespectful teenagers and turned away. The alpha’s son scoffed at her boss but turned his attention back to Alicia.

Tom’s fingers laced with Alicia’s, leading her away from the diner and into the cold night air of the parking lot where their conversation could remain private. Alicia leaned against Tom’s car door as he gazed down at her with a genuine expression.

“We can wait. I respect your decision… I just, you know… wanted to show everyone that you are mine. The guys all talk about you when they can, and it drives me nuts! If my scent was over you, it would shut them up, you know? You’re so beautiful, smart and talented! All of that and without a wolf! You’d also be such a great asset as a Luna… So because of all this… I will wait for you. When I turn twenty-one, I will mark you as mine, and you will be the pack’s future Luna.”

Alicia stared at him, eyes misty after hearing everything that she could ever ask for. The fear and anxiety of him using her and leaving her had been so overwhelming. Yet here he was now, soothing it all away. How could she ever doubt Tom? She could see he was serious about this.

“Oh, Tom!” Alicia’s arms wrapped around his neck, and she kissed him fiercely. “We don’t have to wait. I trust you. They won’t call me names with your scent around me.” She smiled up at him.

Tom’s eyebrows shot up at this, making her giggle gleefully at his response. Opening the car door, Alicia shuffled back inside, eyes trained on him as she parted her legs. Tom’s mouth dropped open, and he grew hard instantly. He didn’t need more of an invitation before he lunged towards what was his, closing the door behind him and exploring Alicia’s body.

From afar, sitting in her sports car, Darci glared at the shadows of the couple having sex in the back of Tom’s SUV. “He is mine, sister,” Darci hissed into the night. “I’m the next Luna. NOT YOU!”

The wheels screeched as Darci sped away, and she only stopped once she was at the pack house and standing before the Luna of Blue Crescent pack.

“Darci, whatever is wrong?”

“It’s about your son and Alicia…”

“Your sister, the wolf-less girl?” Luna snarled in response. “What is it?”

Late into the night, Tom returned smiling to himself as he’d finally taken Alicia’s virginity. It should have been extra special, but Goddess, it was terrific! She was amazing!

“Son.” The sharp voice of his mother caused him to stop in the dimly lit hallway. “We need to have a little chat about that pathetic wolfless girl.”


The following morning, Alicia woke up with a smile on her lips. It was the first genuine smile she’d had waking up in this dreadful house. Even staring at the tiny closet of a room, its bleak colours and lack of furniture couldn’t wipe off the grin on her face.

Alicia sat up, feeling a little sore from the night before but also blissful. Tom had been so caring and patient and kept apologising it wasn’t romantic. It didn’t matter to her where they had been; it felt right even in the back of his car.

After changing and readying herself for school, she noticed the slight glow to her skin and, for the first time, wondered if she looked as beautiful as Tom always said. Going downstairs, Alicia’s smile thinned, and her bright and cheerful morning disbanded as she felt the icy stares of her parents. Emma, a once beautiful she-wolf, was adorned in expensive jewellery, dressed in designer clothing, her short brown hair straightened, and wearing a little too heavy make-up. Sitting beside her, eating a hearty breakfast of pancakes, Darci fit in, sitting beside their parents. They looked like a loving family until their gazes landed on her.

“You were home later than normal last night,” Fred, her dad and Beta of the pack, commented steely.

“Do you really care?” Alicia asked, passing by until she was in the kitchen, pulling out a box of cereal she paid for.

“What was that?” Fred’s chair screeched back, about to show his dominance in the family. There was no need; he didn’t care about her and was just insulted she spoke to him.

“Nothing,” Alicia muttered, turning the cereal over the bowl and scowling when nothing came out. She brought this yesterday! It was brand new! There was no way she’d used up all the cereal in that time.

The good mood she was in completely diminished. Her parents rarely spoke to Alicia; her very existence was disgusting to them, yet things like this happened regularly. She paid her part of the electric bills, rent money, food and clothing, and Darci or her ‘mum’, still made her life as unbearable as possible. Alicia couldn’t understand what she’d done wrong to be treated in such a way, and at times, she had been jealous of Darci and all the love and presents she had received.

That jealousy faded after she turned twelve, and she witnessed how cruel her parents indeed were. Fred was a warrior of the pack and was rarely home, but one day, he returned exclaiming the Alpha of Blue Crescent refused to give them any more money to support Alicia. She wasn’t his child, but as part of the pack, he was responsible for ensuring everyone was looked after. Alicia was old enough to get a job, so she did to start supporting herself.

It was laughable that she lived in a mansion but lived like a homeless person in a closet room. Whatever. Alicia left through the back door in the kitchen, refusing to see Darci’s snickering features at discovering her sister was going without breakfast again. She swiftly rounded to the bins and hopped onto her moped, refusing to allow that family to ruin the rest of the day. At least it would brighten seeing Tom.

Or so she thought.

Like before, Alicia and Tom rarely saw each other. Her messages went through, and he replied, but she couldn’t respond to his answers. Two weeks had passed since she gave her virginity to Tom, and he had been spending less and less time with her. Alicia started to feel anxious; she expected everything to fall into place like a fairytale- the prince saving the distressed damsel and living happily ever after. Instead, there was utter turmoil, a void of loneliness and a gut feeling that something wasn’t right.

Had it been a mistake?

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