
Chapter 29 Depravity (2)

Tom was obsessed with her to the point he looked absolutely mad.

He prowled towards her, his intentions diabolical, it was clear.

“What are you doing here, Tom?” Alicia asked, relieved to hear her voice was so calm. She was anything but, and it was all a brave façade to hide her fear.

Alicia wanted nothing more than to run away right now, but that would only kick his animal instincts into gear.

“Aren’t you glad to see me, Alicia?” Tom smiled; it wasn’t his usual one, and his eyes gleamed with ill intentions.

Alicia shook her head. “What is your plan from here, Tom?” She stepped to the side and froze as he mirrored her movement, remaining in her line of sight.

“I was going to give you everything.” His voice darkened as he stepped in front of her. She’d backed into a tree and cursed under her breath at the ridiculous cliché damsel in distress moment. “And you spat in my face!” He thumped the tree by her head, startling her.

She needed to get out of his reach!

“So what? You’re going to k
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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Heather W
It is unfortunate that Tom is probably still alive. For someone who is supposed to inherit a throne, he is easily to persuade, manipulate and lie to. With just a tiny bit of prompting, he was willing to go from cheater to rapist

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