
Chapter eighty-four

Ethan’s POV

“It has to be her!” A voice yelled out of the crowd and I saw an accusing finger being pointed at Ariah.

Ariah’s face went ashen instantly and her white skin went pale, she had a look of disbelief on that beautiful face of hers and so did I. I turned and stared at her accuser, it was one of the elders.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked, suddenly filled with more fury.

“It is established that there is no way anyone could invade this pack and cause such disruption without inside information. Look, King Ethan, they even set one of the bronze statues ablaze!” The elder exclaimed, pointing to the melted bronze statue of my great-grandfather that was situated at the center of the pack.

I glared at the elder, “So what has brought you to the conclusion that it was Ariah who staged this? What makes her a fucking suspect?” I asked impatiently, I was ready to lurch at him and knock his teeth out with my fists.

“She is the only one in this community that could be a trojan horse
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