


“Had fun bitch?” I stopped in the middle of the staircase when a voice came from behind. Without caring of who it is , cause I exactly know who the fuck it is.

“Why? What do you think happened to make me happy , Norah?” I asked exactly hitting the spot.

“You fucking bitch I know exactly what you are trying to do here. Do you think sleeping with Dante or seducing him will be any good?” I turned back to look at her as she continued barking. Oops I mean speaking, as if she knows how to.

“He will throw you out after toying for a little while. And I guess you should be more focused on the day after tomorrow, when uncle's and aunt's will refuse to help you get into the Royal Elite Institute.” her smirk left her face as soon as it appeared.

“That's the thing Norah I don't need no fucking help to get into where I want to, I make my own path unlike someone beging for it. Don't worry I'll handle things myself.” with that I left for my room.

Flipping on my bed I exhaled a long breath. Fuck I should text Dante to arrange the meeting tomorrow I had to do something before we go for the family dinner. Picking up my phone I was about to text the rude bastard when he did it first.

‘Tomorrow at ten be ready, the meeting is arranged.’ He sended. Amazing timing, he is a good businessman I have to say pretty quick.

‘I will send the driver to pick you up. I have a meeting so I may join later.’ No he can't , I won't be able to leave my point if he goes with me. I have to show Mr. Richard Sr. that I am worthy of school and not just getting in because of someone. You can call it my ‘I can do it myself’ ego or whatever. So I texted him back immediately.

‘No need I will go by myself , and you don't need to join. I'll handle it myself. Thanks for the quick work.’ He typed something for a bit. I waited and waited and waited more, for him to reply but he never did. He read it but didn't text back, what was he typing.

Whatever. Asshole. Who Cares.

Washing up, I prepared things for tomorrow in advance. I can't make any mistakes tomorrow. I just hope my plan proceeds as I want it to. Jumping on my bed I soon tried to drift to sleep.


“It's too fucking early.” I cursed, flinging the old stupid clock across the room. I buried my face in the pillow. Just a few more minutes, that's what I said to myself when my phone buzzed as the alarm rang again.

Huffing I finally woke up and sat on the bed. That stupid text I couldn't sleep half of the night, thinking what he was texting that he didn't sended.

I cursed my curious ass and dragged it to the bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror. “Thank God I don't look like a fucking mess, it can still do.” I said fixing my hair and undressing myself to get ready for the shower.

Soon after a relaxing shower I put on beige colour trousers with a navy blue shirt and put on some light makeup. I accesories it a little with a bracelet, small earrings, few rings, sunglasses and in the end a small shoulder bag. Putting my hair in a slick back bun, I checked myself out in a mirror.

“Damn girl! You look like you're going to kick some ass professionally.” I gave myself a last glance feeling more confident , I bit my lips. I got this , you got this lily. Let's slay with our skills like we always do.

Walking out of my room I went downstairs. Good thing good there was no one in the hall so I didn't have to encounter anyone or that's what I thought. When I got in the kitchen, I grabbed a glass of milk.

“Are you going somewhere?” I choked on the milk when a voice suddenly came from behind startling me.

“Hey are you ok? Here.” I turned around to see Gabrielle with wide eyes as he passed me a tissue. “Thanks.” I replied between my coughs.

“Sorry didn't mean to scare you.”

“No, no it's ok I thought I was alone so I got startled. Fuck.” He waited for me to answer his questions earlier.

“Oh yeah I am actually going out for a…. Meeting you can say.”

“Oh where? I can drop you. I was actually going out so I thought I should ask you.” He looked like he genuinely wanted to help so I let him.

“Sure brother, I am going to the Royal Elite Institute.” We walked out of the house as he looked at me puzzled but didn't ask. We sat in his car and drove to the institute. I could clearly feel the curiosity or the puzzlement as he drove, so I broke the silence.

“Why don't you ask? You clearly look like you wanted to ask something.” he gives me a small smile.

“I was just curious why you wanted to go to the Royal Elite Institute for a meeting. But I didn't want to interfere in your privacy.” This brother is so cute. Like seriously I wish I had a brother like him.

“I am actually having a meeting with Mr. Richard Sr.” I simply answered as he looked at me shocked with wide eyes, as if I had given him a huge shock.

“What did you say? Don't joke around Mia , only grandpa and uncle Henry knows him and that is also not good enough to meet him just like that. How? Why? What?” he said it in one breath. Which made me chuckle hard.

“Well, it looks like I am going to break the family cycle. And for how and why so that is a surprise you will know soon. You shouldn't tell surprises until they are fully ready.” I said as he nodded. Obviously curious but he didn't ask further but waited.

We came to the institute when I said goodbye to him and got in. The Institute is no less than any Oxford. I approached the receptionist asking her about my appointment and she took me to the elevator and on the top floor. Soon I was standing in front of the huge brown door with golden details.

Taking a deep breath I prepared myself for it. Ok let's kill it. And with that I knocked on the door. “Come in.” Was all I heard as I entered the office. The office was huge and a man of a similar age as my grandpa was sitting on the chair. He looked strict like a very serious vibes was what I was getting from him.

“Hello Ms. Mancini it's nice to meet you.” He offered a handshake which I respectfully took and passed a polite smile.

“Hello Mr. Richard Sr. It's an honour to meet you too.” He gestured to me to get seated as he did the same.

“So what, I can help you with Ms. Mancini.” He asked, holding a serious face from the start.

Now's the time to cook bitch. Resting my shoulders a bit.

“Please just call me Mia sir and as per what you can help me with is that I would like to get enrolled in your institut.” He raised his eyebrows as he said.

“As far as I know , all the Mancini kids are studying here and they all have great grades and all, but I can't say the same for you. Can I?” fuck he is right Mia is also an average in her studies, well if we see the standard in here it's average for them.

But I didn't let that put me down cause who the fuck is here to offer him studies.

“That's right , I am not good at studies. But I have something none of the Mancini or the royal elite students have to offer.” He frowned listening to me.

“And what exactly is that Ms. Mia our institute is best and number one what makes you think we are lacking something that you have.”

“From the last five years the Royal Elite Institute has been on top in the matter of studies but I can't say the same for the extracurricular now. Can I?” He leaned back , now interested in my offer. He gestured to me to continue which I did.

“The Rising stars institute. The second best institute, it has been winning from the royal elite institute in every extracurricular for the past five years.”

“Even if I agree with you. How does any of it prove you to be the worthy one?” he asked

“Well I am and I can prove to you that. I might not have any certificates and all but you name it and I can slay it. Speeches , games , shooting and don't even get me started on dance and debates. I can win every single one of them.” I answered confidently.

It's true I can slay every single one of them and debate bro I dare you to try and win an argument with me.

You. Fucking. Can't

“How can I just trust you? Maybe you are trying some tricks to get in or what if you lose it will be useless.”

“You can bring out your best and test me or, well you can enrol me and if I lose this year's debate and dance competition that is coming up………….. you can expel me.” he paused and looked at me for a while in shock.

Ofc he is shock no one ein there fucking right mindset will ask a headmaster to expel them. But I am damn fucking sure on my skills. I was waiting for the answer when he started laughing.

“You sure are an interesting one. When I got the call from Mr. Romano I knew you were going to be different but, this is just.” I smiled. This is looking like a positive reaction.

“Well I am impressed by your confidence and guts. You will get whatever you need, no expect studies and my full support. All you need to do is to focus on this year's competition.”

“Does that mean I am in?”

“Yes you are in Ms. Mia , welcome to the Royal Elite Institute.” I am shouting in my mind I can't fucking show how excited and just how happy I am . Yes, yes , yes I did it I fucking got in all by myself.

“Thank you so much Mr. Richard Sr. I will surely not disappoint you.” I said standing up from my seat. He was about to answer when suddenly the office door opened and a voice came by.

“Hey grandpa. Ohh you in the meeting, sorry I will come again.” I turned around and I froze.

What the fuck he is doing here, and wait grandpa. He was about to leave when we suddenly made eye contact and he said.

“Lily is that you. Oh my god what the heck are you doing here?” He looked at me with a wide smile and eyes.

Fuck is my cover already blown. Am I caught in my act so early? Shit.

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