
I love you


Care blinked her eyes for a few minutes. She can’t believe she wrongly entered his bedroom. She was supposed to go to his office room. Now she can’t turn her feet away from this room. There’s a luxury black bed, some photos of Daniel hanging on the wall. She approached his childhood photo. ‘Daniel is so adorable,’ Care muttered seeing it. Daniel has a six-year-old kid standing on the Playground giving poses to the photo. That’s the only childhood pic.

Another portrait caught her eyes. It’s his drawing at his current age. It’s so perfectly painted. Seeing paintings gives her a reminder of Chloe. She is talented too. Other than photos, there’s a laptop and some documents neatly arranged on his desk in a corner. If he already has an office, why keep it in this room. The room is painted in White and every object looked like it’s worth a million dollars.

“What are you doing here, Caroline?” Daniel’s voice alerted Care. She turned towards the door in fear. He’s leaning on the wall, glaring at her.

“Sorry, I didn’t know it’s your room. Michael told me to wait in your office room. I forgot the direction.” She babbled. 

“Iam not angry. Don’t be nervous,” he assured her and closed the door.

“By the way, you came here by yourself. We can have a little chat here,” he said, taking a seat on his bed. Care sat next to him, making some space between them.

“Why are you upset?” he asked unexpectedly. She’s not upset. If there’s a reason to be upset, it would be because of Becca’s death, which she can’t share.

“Iam not. Am I looking so sad?” she questioned him, feeling less nervous.

“You seemed upset when you got a call outside my house and you didn’t even attend it.” 

" How did he note my every move? Am I so easy to be read by anyone?'. She thought and was about to talk about the investigation.

“I may have been nervous about the investigation that happened today in school and Bill...” she stopped herself, keeping her hands on her mouth. She was supposed to tell him about the investigation. How she asked each and everything that happened in homecoming. In the flow, she mentioned Bill.

“I know there’s an investigation on Roshord high. But who is Bill?”

“Nothing. He’s just my friend.” she calmed herself, hoping he won’t ask further questions. 

“Caroline you were supported to tell me something. Finish it.” he urged.

“I can’t tell that. It doesn’t matter. So, did they investigate you for Becca’s murder?” she changed the topic and expected him to forget it.

Instead, he furrowed his eyebrows. “Actually, I know your friend Bill. I'm sorry I didn't tell you this earlier. Now, will you finish what you have started?” 

Care wanted to share it. It has nothing to do with Daniel, but he seems interested in it and Caroline still remembers that they both talked when Bill sent Becca’s footage to Daniel. That’s the reason she got a chance to talk with him.

“He’s my best friend, and he proposed to me.”

“What? What did you say?” Daniel seriously asked her.

“I rejected him politely. I don’t want to hurt him, but he’s still hoping that I would accept him. He’s believing Iam having feelings for him.”

“Do you have feelings for him?” it’s the first question that came out of Daniel’s mouth. Why’s he caring so much?


“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I always have seen him as my friend.”

“But he’s still coming after you, right. You should have told me earlier. I will kick him out of Roshord high. You won’t see him again.” He snapped.

“You can’t do that, Daniel. He’s my best friend. You can’t hurt him. You are so rude.” Care yelled.

“I will be rude if someone tries to take something I love from me.” Care eyes widened at hearing his words. She replayed what he said many times.’ Did I hear it right?’. The way he strongly said those words shocked her. Does he like her for real? She can’t even imagine a celebrity likes her. She’s just a normal girl. She won’t be equal to him.

“Don’t run away. But I need to tell you this now. I love you, Caroline.” he intertwined his hands with her. She didn’t move away. She stared at him like a statue and slowly spoke.

“Iam nobody,”

“No. You are my everything. That’s why I kept on coming for you, even though you tried to avoid me. I had girlfriends, but I never felt like this before. I have never been myself to anyone except you. You don't see me as a celebrity but a normal human. I always get anything I wanted. I never went behind anyone. But since the day I saw you, I can’t stop thinking about it. I was not ready to admit it to myself. But now I admit it.” he finally told how he felt and Care can see the truth in his eyes. But she’s shocked to act to tell anything.

She felt more nervous when her best friend proposed to her. But now a celebrity, a man she adored all her life, is standing in front of her admitting he’s in love with her. She doesn’t know how fast it all happened. They rarely met. They may have talked more on the phone, but this is so fast.

“Please tell me something. I can’t able to wait. Did you feel the same for me?” he asked her, still holding her hands. She came back to reality. She’s so confused about her answers. She’s 22 years old but can’t figure out how she’s feeling.

“How can I not love you? I always loved you. I know before you even see me. Iam so confused. It’s a lot to take in. I never expected you would propose,”

“Iam not going to pressure you. You can take your own time. But Iam sure I love you.” he pulled her to a kiss. She can’t believe she’s kissing him back, feeling his lips on hers. It’s like her dream come true. Soon he deepened the kiss. Both are breathless and pulled apart.

“I love you too, Daniel. I can’t believe it whether Iam dreaming or not?” she said looking down.

“Please don’t look down again. Tell me those words again.” he pleaded. Daniel pleaded for the first time and only to Caroline.

“I can’t believe whether or not Iam dreaming?” she said these lines instead of telling ‘I love you'.

“No. You know I didn’t ask that line. But I will prove to you again it’s not a dream.” he kissed her again, keeping one hand on her hair. Slowly, he laid her on his bed. He’s on top of her and she’s aware it’s not a dream. After a long time of stress, now good things happened in her life.

“Your coffee, Boss,” Michael opened the door without knocking.

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