
The game is on


Care shrieked, seeing Michael interrupted him. His entry embarrassed Michael. 

“Iam so…sorry... sir.” he stammered with the coffee cup is still in his hands.

“Michael, get out now. I don’t need coffee.” Daniel shouted and Michael ran after closing the door.

“Who wants coffee when I can have you.” Daniel touched Care’s cheek. He started kissing again and his hands travelled inside her top. She stopped kissing and looked at him.

“Let’s take it slow.” 

“No offence. I can wait for you. Iam so happy right now. You accepted my proposal. Iam happy to have you as my girlfriend.” he lay next to her by facing each other closely.

“Daniel Evans is my boyfriend. You don’t know how happy Iam.” she smiled at him, placing her hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat.

“But I have one condition.” 

“What’s that? Everything is going well.” he got panicked by her condition.

“Nothing serious. I don’t want this news to spread. I will tell my sisters and brother but it should not go to public. Iam so uncomfortable when it comes to the public.”

“That’s what you wanted? Even though I really wanted to do it, I will promise you it won’t be public,” he said, gazing into her eyes. They both are so close to feeling each other's breath.

“Okay, Dan,” she called his name shortly. She loves to call him like that, but never did. Right now, she’s so grateful for working at Roshord High, or else she never has gotten a chance to be his girlfriend.

“I like you calling me Dan, Love.” in response, Care moved forward and hugged him. She can feel his whole body on her.

“Nobody called him Love,” she muttered, hiding her face in his chest. She felt his shirt as a barrier between them, but she’s the one who wanted to take things slow. Now she doesn’t want to think about how many girlfriends he had before. All she wants is to be in his arms forever.


“Wait for me outside the school. I need to get my car from the service. I will pick you up within fifteen minutes.” Jason spoke to Charlotte on the phone. Charlotte barely escaped from today’s investigation. Now she’s going to Jason’s house. Finally, she’s feeling like her old self, who has always been happy.

She walked down the stairs. The investigators even checked the fingerprints of the principal. How can a principal kill her own students? Becca’s mom and the investigators are still on the second floor packing their things.

Charlotte waited outside the school wall and she waited for more than 30 minutes and there’s no sign of Jason. Why is he late? She took her phone to call him but he didn’t reply. 

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Finally, a call came from Jason." Where are you??" she asked, but there’s some screeching noise.

“Jason?” she called his name again. Now she can hear some choking and breathing sounds.

“Jason? What’s going on?” she panicked.

“Char... save me...I think...” he trailed off, breathing hard.

“Where are you? Tell me about the location. What happened? Jason?” she shouted into the phone and got panicked to the core. That’s the last word he said and a loud vehicle sound boomed in her ears.

“Jason?” she screamed into her phone. Charlotte acted fast by trying to find his location in an app. Her hands typed fast on her phone. Finally, she found he’s two kilometres away from the service centre. She was about to call 911 and tell the address so they can reach it before it gets too late.

But some texts popped up on her phone at that time. It’s not a time to read texts but the texts are from Ruby’s phone. She never called Ruby when she’s alive, but somehow, she saved her number. Now Ruby is dead, the threatening person is having her phone.

Ruby: Oh my god! Jason had gotten himself into an accident. You need to act fast or you can’t save him. Iam not the reason for his accident. Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. You know what, right now Becca’s mom is still in school. Iam right here in Roshord high. I left a note telling where Becca’s body was buried in this school. If you and your family don’t want to get caught in this. Then you should grab the note before Becca’s mom sees it. She’s talking with the detectives now. Soon, she will come to the room and take her bag with her. I left the note inside her bag. If she opens it, boom, your life will be over. After finding the body, everyone can easily find out the murders and even if they can’t, I will give them clues.

So, you got two options right now. Grab the note and save you and your sisters, brother's life or go save Jason before something bad happens to him. He will be involved in a terrible accident. Either way, you are going to suffer. But it’s the least option I can give you, Charlotte Lowe.

- MW.

Charlotte read the entire message and wanted to die right there. This is the worst day ever. She needs to do something. Act fast. She’s shivering, trembling.

The four of them life will be in danger if not taking the note or Jason’s life will be in danger. If they find the body, they will find the murderer and there’s no way of escaping from it. Becca’s mom will surely kill them if they got caught.

Charlotte has to decide any one thing. Everything is in hands right now.

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