
I Want To Be Free

Linda’s POV

The weight of the failure hung heavy in the air as we trudged back to the parking lot. Each step felt like a reminder of what had just happened and the consequences we now faced. Especially me.

I glanced at Mitch, his expression mirroring my own sense of defeat. “I don’t know,” I admitted, my voice heavy with resignation. “I have no idea what we do now.”

Fallon was nowhere to be seen, her absence a sharp reminder of the rift that had formed between us. I could not blame her for being angry – I had let her down, just like I had let Chris down.

Mitch slid into the passenger seat beside me, his silence echoing the weight of our shared disappointment. “I guess we go home,” He said finally, his voice smeared with resignation.

Home. The word held a bittersweet promise, a reminder of what I had done. Home, the word reminded me of my husband. And what did that remind me of? Failing him.

I started the car and decided to give Fallon a call before leaving, but as expected, she di
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