
Tricked And Embarassed

Linda’s POV

My heart pounded in my chest as I stood face to face with the guard, his weapon trained on me with unwavering intensity.

The weight of the moment pressed down on me, threatening to crush me beneath its suffocating grip.

But despite the fear coursing through my veins, I refused to back down. This was a risk I had chosen to take, a gamble in the high-stakes game we found ourselves playing.

“We mean no harm,” I said with a firm tone, staring directly into his eyes, adrenaline coursing through me. “We just need to speak with your superior. It’s a matter of importance.”

Where did all that boldness come from? When had I become so brave and courageous? I never even knew that I had it in me.

But maybe it had always been there, and for the past couple of weeks, after being dragged on the very floors of hell, it developed. And now, it was finally showing.

But to be honest, this was one of the craziest things I had done in my life.

The guard’s gaze bore into mine, his expressio
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