
The Kidnappers

Chris’s POV

With the cover of daylight and the hustle and bustle of the villa’s activities, I made my way through the compound. I couldn’t believe that I was doing this. I was a well-known CEO, I should have people to do things like this.

In fact, I had people that did things like this for me. But no, I wanted to do it. I wanted to be the one to save my wife.

I headed to the fancy building from the back, making sure that I was not seen. My heart was racing but I was being very careful and being driven by one thing: getting Linda out of here.

When I reached the building, I started to hear voices. My aim was to find a way to enter and that was what I did when I used the back door, walking into the very fancy hallway that soon led me past the kitchen area.

I don’t think there were guards in the house, but there were a few maids who were busy doing what they were being paid to do. I was already wearing a suit so I think I fit easily into the scene.

So instead of being suspicious, I s
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