

Linda’s POV

The gunshot was loud, it echoed through the shed, the sound reverberating off the walls as if time itself had frozen in that moment. I crumpled to the ground, my heart pounding in my chest as terror seized every fiber of my being.

But as the seconds stretched on, I realized with a sense of bewildered relief that the bullet had not found its mark. I was still alive, still breathing, though the fear lingered like a heavy weight upon my chest.

Through blurry eyes, I saw Chris burst through the door, his expression a mix of panic and determination. He rushed to my side, pulling me into his arms with a tenderness that brought tears to my eyes.

“Police! Drop the weapon!!” One of the policemen shouted at Mr. Kingston, his voice strong and commanding as his colleagues flooded the small shed.

“Linda, are you okay?” His voice was a desperate plea, his hands gentle as they cradled my trembling form.

I nodded weakly, my voice catching in my throat as I struggled to find the words
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