
It's All Going To Be Fine

Linda’s POV

Chris’s relief was palpable as he reached out to gently graph my hand. His touch brought a sense of warmth and reassurance, grounding me in the reality of our shared ordeal.

“You gave us quite a scare,” He continued, his voice soft with emotion. “But you’re here now, and that’s all that matters.” He smiled, and I hated that I could not smile back.

I mustered a weak nod, my throat was still dry and scratchy as I struggled to find my voice. “What…what happened?” I managed to croak out, my words barely audible above the soft hum of the medical equipment surrounding us.

He sighed, his expression somber as he recounted the events that had led us to this moment. He spoke of the frantic rush to the hospital, the chaos of the emergency room, and the tense hours spent waiting for news of my condition.

I wanted to know something though, I wanted to know about the baby. Was my baby okay? Was my baby alive?

“Can I speak with the doctor?” I tried to sit up but pain shot through my
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