
Chapter 5.1

I studied every people living in Afrókrema, trying to find the man that I saw to talk to him and to know if he's on my side or not. I can still remember every part of his face and those eyes that really caught my attention the first time I saw them. I can memorize every feature of everyone that I saw that's why this was supposed to be easy for me. This wasn't supposed to be this hard and I didn't expect it to give me this much headache but I can't seem to find him anywhere. I'm sure that I've studied everyone even their features and stared at everyone's eyes to know if it was him. I never even missed even a single person regardless of their age so where the fuck is he? Where is he hiding? Fuck it!

Is he part of the Vasileìas? If he is, then it's impossible for me to find him, even his name is impossible to find now, what more if it's the location that I'm up to? How powerful is he to hide himself from this technology that only I have? But what if he's just hidden somewhere in here? What if he doesn't really have any house here and just has a secret room just like my mother's secret lab that can't be tracked by any technology? I can't be that sure of who he really is unless I've already talked to him, that's how great this world is. It can even be a great world to live in if not for the leader who's controlling everyone. If those Vasileìas are great people, then this world can be that awesome but that'll be just in our imagination now. It's impossible to happen. They will never change nor be kind. That'll be a miracle if ever.

If he's also like me, then there's a big possibility that he also has those technologies like what I have. I think he has those devices that are more advanced than mine. But what if he's not really what I think he is? What if I'm just chasing a bait that'll ruin me? What if I'm just finding my own dead-end and he's just made to distract me from my plans? This world has so many plans for me- for each of us. I know that and that's why I'm afraid to be fooled by him because that'll also want that I failed just because of chasing the wrong person whom I believe to be my alliance. But I know my guts won't let me fail. I'm the only one that I should trust and I shouldn't doubt my guts. I just hope that I won't be that weak this time. I want to always succeed as much as possible even though it's totally impossible for me to reach my goals.

If I'll not be successful in this one then I know that it'll be hard for me to find another way where I can start again because I admit that he's my last ace now. I don't have any door to open anymore because he's the last one where I can start. I don't want to mess myself up!

I am holding a hologram that contains every person here in Afrókrema including their background, picture, where they are, and what they're doing now. It even contains how I can contact them and see all of their bloodlines and to whom they are related. Everything, as in every single thing about them but that guy... He wasn't included here, I'm sure of that and I'm amazed at how he made himself disappear in any record. If my mom can hide her places and laboratories from any technologies, then does that mean that he can hide himself from anyone who's trying to find him? Am I right or was it just my conclusion that I can't prove for I have no evidence with me? I will possibly get a hold of that evidence if he'll let me meet him in person but he even seems to be hiding from me now.

But I won't let him hide from me... I'll do anything to find him and if I have to dig in more and hack everything that this world has just to find him, then I'm willing to exert an effort for him. After all, I've already started my journey and there's no way that I still can turn back and give up just because I think it's impossible. I'm so desperate now and I'm willing to do anything just for him to show himself to me or for me to find him myself. If life didn't succeed in making me give up, does he really think he can make me? I'm a woman but I'm a fighter, don't even try underestimating me or it'll just be a shame on you the moment I defeated you. I hate knowing that someone is looking down at me without knowing my capabilities.

Maybe they see me as a woman dependent on my mother's invention but I'm far more than that. That isn't even half of who I really am because I fought this life that hard all by myself at such a young age. I can even end someone's life easily without anyone expecting that I can be able to do that and I love seeing everyone's faces whenever they're shocked by something that I can do. That's what they get for giving me those low expectations.

I bit myself while trying to type something in the hologram hoping that this time, I'll finally figure this out. Damn it! I can't still find him even in the footage where I saw him the other day. The day where I first landed my eyes on him. I even look like a crazy woman there because I look like I've bumped into the air because I can see no one there except for me. How can I follow him through footage if he's good at hiding this way? Does that also mean he can also make himself invisible in these cameras for no one not to trace nor notice him? How the fuck did he made that? How the hell has he invented those impossible things because I never knew that that kind of thing existed.

Is he even real? He didn't just fool the Vasileìas because I also feel like I'm so dumb for I'm just finding him yet I'm also having a hard time. Now... It'll be freaking harder for me to find him! He's already far from possible- oh wait, there's nothing impossible here so don't lose your hope you lazy couch potato woman, if the Vasileìas made everything possible, then I can do that too in my own way.

Technologies are in favor of me now because of my mother, she made my life way easier than everybody has, this is one of the advantages that I have because I don't have to be dependent on this Vasileìas anymore. I don't need to just wait on what technologies will they give me for I already have everything that I need to live. I don't need to risk my life anymore just like other people who are begging them to give them even a single technology. Now, I only gotta move my ass now or I'll lose the chance of finding him and just give everything up. He's one hell of a crazy jerk for making me feel this stupid, damn him! If I just don't need him that much, then I might have just let him vanish or something. I don't care about him, all I care about is the plan that I'm trying to fulfill. I just need to use him, I have no other reason anymore.

I turned my attention to the hologram that I'm holding when it suddenly beeped, indicating that a signal entered it, is it finally him? Have I finally found him or am I just expecting things and be disappointed in the end? I hope not. I opened it and looked at it with a wide smile. Surprised is visible on my face when I saw the content of it and I can't even believe that this is happening now. At last, it finally happened! I thought it'll take me a lifetime just by knowing what his name is.

Damn am I seeing this right? It's him, isn't it? Hell, I'm right! I will never forget him. I just saw his face in a hologram and that means he's from here and he's not part of the Vasileìa. I'm freaking right. I almost thought that he's from those people that I hate the most. Gladly he shows himself to me now. But is it meant for me to see or is he expecting someone to find him other than me?

But the question is, why did he suddenly appear here when he's not really here the first time I tried finding him? Is he playing games with me or something just really happened to this that's why it didn't detect him? Is this device that my mother makes me malfunctioning already or is it all because of him and his mysterious thing?

But he seems to know that I'm currently after him and that made him appeared here. Does that mean that he also wants me to find him and talk to him? He can even show himself to me than waste both of our times playing here. Well, if he knows what I'm doing now, then he can really manipulate every technology here even the ones made by my mother. I thought this one can't be controlled or fooled by anyone? If that is, then I just proved that he can hide himself but he can also make himself appear here.

I don't know what's happening now. I can only see his profile here but there is no background of him indicated here, he gave me an idea yet he still didn't made it easier for me. He just doesn't want me to give up but at the same time, he also doesn't want me to find him that fast. That means, he just wants me to confirm that he's here but at the same time, he doesn't want me to see him that easy, he just gave me an unclear clue.

Even his name isn't included in it. It's just purely his face, nothing more, nothing less. I can't even find which house he's staying in now or what kind of creature he is. Is he even a human or is he one of those robots? Of course, it is impossible for him to be a goddamn robot, he's a normal person, obviously. He's so mysterious. Is he even a human for having that kind of ability? I think he's also starting. But it's great that he didn't put his information in here because someone might see it. Someone from the Vasileìa might suspect him and it's just an assurance for me. Don't hate him yet, Heszhia. I should try understanding him first.

Well, it's a great start for me, right? At least I won't be that stupid for having no idea if he even exists. I won't look so dumb and lost my mind for just figuring out what kind of creature he is.

If I didn't saw it, I would've thought that he's not really existing and that's all just my imagination because I'm already getting insane for finding someone that can be part of my plan because I definitely can't do it all alone. I don't want to take my whole life just by finding him, dam it. Don't make it this hard for me and just show yourself to me secretly. You can even be invisible from that footage so why bother hiding yourself from me. It's safe for him to go out.

Is this information enough for a day? Nah... I don't have any time to rest. If I'll even rest for a while, then I might miss another second to bring those fucking Vasileìas down.

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