

I didn’t want to be that callous of a human. I refused to be.

I stopped short on the pavement and turned to my son. “I’ve

reconsidered. You can walk as long as you go straight home. No


Aaron beamed with gratitude then scooted on his way.

And, with a sigh, I retreated back inside to do what must be done.

If I was going to put a stop to this farce of a situation with Audrey, it

was best to do it quick and fast. Best not to leave her waiting.

She was at the window when I stepped in. I knew she’d heard me

arrive. Her head had shifted toward the sound of my footsteps,

though she didn’t completely turn to face me.

That made this easier.

“I think we need to reevaluate,” I began.

But she spoke at the same time. “I didn’t mean to come so early.

I…” She pivoted in my direction. “I’m sorry. Go ahead.”

“You first,” I prodded, determined to remain the gentleman.

“I...just…” She pushed a lock of hair back from her face. “I got

here earlier than I meant to, for which I truly apologize. I
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