

Had he left me vulnerable? Could Michelis really see what he claimed he saw?

My hesitation gave too much away, and he slid into the opening I’d left him. “Seriously, tell me, Emily. I’m intrigued. How are things working out with the three of you?”

Don’t answer. Don’t give anything away.

“Are you girls sharing him equally? Or does he have a favorite?”

I shook my head ever so slightly – not an answer, but a plea for him to stop hedging, stop closing me in.

“It’s you, isn’t it? I bet that makes Amber crazy.”

“Don’t talk about us like you understand anything.” But my breathing was heavy and my voice frail.

“Ah, I see.” He grinned, as if he’d scored, and he had. “You don’t want to share at all.”

There it was, my biggest secret of all. My most shameful wound. I could blame Amber all day long for the reasons we’d given up our threesomes and never be lying. She’d been the one who’d decided that those were over.

But she wasn’t the only one who wanted a man of her own. I did too.

And now all Mi
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