
Chapter 18


This time, Frore woke up drenched in sweat, but she didn’t scream out loud. She was simply terrified, horrified.

The spirit saw her and told her that she was waiting for her. It felt like the spirit knew her.

The spirit’s powers…Frore sat up in the bed and looked beside herself.

Vayldre was not there. She sighed and rubbed her temples.

The spirits powers were the same as Frore’s, the power of freezing everything, turning everything into ice, making the surroundings harsh cold.

What more was there? Frore wondered. For the first time since last night, she thought that there was perhaps more to her powers than she knew. Probably, Vayldre didn’t know everything.

Anyway, she now knew where the magic stone was and if bringing that stone back to the Dragons meant a chance at restoring peace in this world, Frore was ready to take this risk.

Determined to do something go

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