
Seducing My Father's Best Friend
Seducing My Father's Best Friend
Author: Marvel

Chapter 1: Sweet dreams


I love his eyes, his charm, oh, the lips. Gosh, I wish I could get a taste of it. He slowly walks towards me and I was getting impatient. 'Walk faster.' I couldn't wait to feel his hands on my body. Finally! He pressed his body on mine, stroking my thigh, the pleasure was building up just by one touch of his, I could feel my heart racing in anticipation.

He brought his lips closer to mine, I couldn't wait any longer, I put my lips on his and kissed him passionately, and I loved it, he even kissed me back, sucking my tongue and I did the same. I gripped his hair pulling him closer to deepen the kiss, heavens, it felt really good to have him on top of me. I also wanted the next step, for him to put his hard member inside me.

My hands strolled through his back, touching those manly skin. His hot breath brushed my face as he pulled out of the kiss and moved towards my neck. It felt good, really, really good. He sucked on my earlobe while massaging my nipples gently and it was killing. Can't he just get this over with, this sweet torture is killing my patience. I hurriedly took off his shirt and made sure my skin was touching his, I wouldn't want to miss the feeling it gives me. 'Ah', I gasped when his mouth hooked on my nipple while his other hand played with my other nipple. All I could do at the moment was to pull him closer to continue the onslaught. He strayed from my breast down to my pelvic region until he got to my...

'Ah', my soft spot, he sucked on them like hell, while placing my leg on his shoulder. I could feel his tongue licking my clitoris while his finger tried finding a space to dip into. I gripped the bedsheet moaning loudly like a whore as he continued fingering me. He moaned softly and said, "I love you, Sarah."

I wish. I wish he could even spare me a glance or look at me with desire burning in his gaze.

I rubbed my eyes as I sat on my bed with a smile on my face. It was the same dream I've been having ever since I was a teenager. Making love with the man of my dreams, I never get tired of having those dreams since they were the only times I get to see what I want to feel. I've been in love with my father's best friend ever since I was a teenager; he is so handsome, more handsome than my father, in fact, he can't be used to compare to my father because he was on a whole different level.

"Sarah." Yep, that's my father calling. I woke up late again, my sweet dreams wouldn't let me wake in time as I wanted it to last forever. Even after waking up, I still daydream about him.

"Sarah." Oops, I better get going before I get into trouble. "Yes, father, I'm awake, I'm coming." I rushed over to the living room, and I saw my father already dressed for work.

"Father, you're leaving this early, won't you have breakfast first?" I said as I tied my long hair in a ponytail.

He chuckled, "this early, do you know what time it is?"

I glanced at the wall clock, and my mouth formed an 'O'. I knew I must have woken up late, but this late. It was already 9 p.m. for God's sake, how was I meant to make him breakfast? "I'm sorry, father, I'll wake up in time from now on to make breakfast before you leave for work," I apologized sincerely.

"It's okay, I knew you must have studied late last night," he said stroking my hair.

I smiled because I knew what he thought wasn't true. Before I go to bed every night, I always imagine him in my head making love to me before I fall asleep and repeating those moments in my dream. I am really obsessed with his best friend.

"I'll get going now, take care. And don't mess around," he said before leaving.

I rolled my eyes, 'mess around?' My father always told me that many times before I leave for school. I won't blame him though, many college girls mess around, but I, well, I go to parties and have fun, but the messing around he was referring to, I don't do that.

I sighed and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I was really starving to the extent my stomach growled loudly. I ate and washed up before leaving for campus. It was not that far from our apartment, but I still needed to take a cab to get there. My best friend Helen was already waiting for me at the class entrance.

"Hey, I was worried you wouldn't come, I was even about to call you. What took you so long?" Her hands were on her waists as she spoke.

"What's the event?" I asked, not sure why she was so desperate to see me.

"Duh, lectures will soon start, that's the event," she replied abruptly and walked into the classroom. She was also my desk mate, we've been friends since high school, and she loves partying and dating. She has never dated a guy for more than six months as she will leave them for other new hot guys.

"Helen, is there something else you want to tell me, and you are trying to say it indirectly, cause I know you." For certain, she has something else to say, when did she ever border about missing classes or coming late to class.

She glanced at me before sitting down. "Sit." I knew it, I hope it's not about the topic I hate the most. "Look over there." She gestured. "I think he's a perfect match for you."

I knew it, the topic I hate the most. I belong to someone else, to the man in my dreams. I blinked at her, and she understood without me saying anything.

"Fine, then I'll take him." She poked her tongue at me before removing her phone from her purse.

"Um, Helen." I called her, and she completely ignored me. I placed my hands on my chin as I stared at her conversation with her boyfriend on her phone.

"I miss you."

"Me too, when are you free?"


"Why not today, I really want to see you, I'm dying.

I coughed, and she glared at me. He will be dumped very soon. It's been over five months now since they started dating; I even lost count of how many guys she has dated. After having sex with them, she will move over to the next hot guy. She's a real bitch....

After chatting with the soon-to-be-dumped boyfriend she turned to face me, pumping her cheek. "I think he is tired of me."

I chuckled, what an understatement. Tired of you or you tired of him? My friend always seems to surprise me. "Please be honest." I grinned, poking her arm.

She pouted and then smiled. "There is this guy in his third year that attends this college, he is very handsome, his eyes... aaaaahh." She is planning to ask him out. I shook my head, not ready to listen anymore. As I was about to rest my head before someone approached me.

"Hi, beautiful." It was the new transfer student, Helen wanted me to meet, 'perfect match'. The opposite. I gave a fake smile and replied: "Hi." "Do you have time after today's class?" He asked, and I knew what he wanted.

I kept the fake smile and replied: "I'm sorry, I'm already taken."

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