
Chapter 92

The gentle morning light streamed through the curtains, painting the room with a soft, delicate glow. Patricia greeted the day with a grumpy groan, her body staging a revolt against any form of movement. As her eyes gradually adapted to her surroundings, she was met with the sight of Marco, sprawled out comfortably on the bed beside her. His hand had sneaked beneath her shirt, and his touch sent delightful tingles dancing across her waist.

Her emotions were in a comedic tug of war. On one hand, there was an undeniable desire to lean over and kiss his handsome face. On the other, a compelling urge to strangle him for the emotional rollercoaster he'd unwittingly taken her on. Opting to address the latter issue first, Patricia pushed his hand away and swung her legs over the edge of the bed.

The cool floor met her feet as she rose, her movements deliberate and careful. She silently made her way to the bathroom, the dull aches in her foot announcing themselves with each step. Splashing col
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