

Olivia paced the enormous sitting room, numerous reflections in her head.

How would she go about it?

Amongst all of her thoughts, what transpired to be essential at the moment was getting the phone number the woman she works for, inquired of her to get.

Oh, her days.

Why did she think all of these would be comfortable to accomplish long before now?

All she ever wanted was the money, and nothing more.

How can she obtain all of that money, and not do something? Was it not foolish of her to imagine that was what her experience would be?

And of all people, Mrs. Blackwell?

She settled on one of the couches and heaved a sigh.

She didn't know how she would do it but she had to do it, somehow.

Just somehow!

Where was Emily?

She looked at the entrance of the woman's room and shook her head.

As a matter of fact, Emily was not assisting her at this point, but can she blame her? The poor lady doesn't even know she is on the verge of getting betrayed.

Or rather, has been betrayed alre
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