
Gary Hayes' Request Part 2

Chapter 11

Joan’s praise about how Selina has been successfully turned into Jason’s personal killing doll has awakened something within Gary. He clenches his fist and his skin starts to turn reddish, similar to a demon that is filled with hatred.

“That day, I decided to drop myself out of Black Circle and every single business that is related to them. My wife, Catherine, within her last breath, has asked me to change everything for the sake of Selina’s bright future. However, the only relative I had tried to kill me and stole my daughter just to transform her into a personal killing tool. NOW TELL ME JOAN, HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO REACT, SEEING MY FLESH AND BLOOD WALKING THE SAME PATH THAT HER LATE MOTHER WISHED ME TO LEAVE IT!!”

While being terrified to witness his master’s rage, Shadow is trying his best to fix the situation.

“M-master, I believe elder Joan means no harm; he praises how Selina can protect herself without relying on others.”

Gary’s face is returning to normal and the anger within him has been toned down with the help of Shadow’s word.

“I’m sorry. I lost my composure as soon as Jason’s name came up.”

Non, mon ami! I should be the one to offer you, my apologies. I should be more aware of your feelings to see that the one who has betrayed you is taking advantage of your daughter.” Joan insisted on reflecting on his words.

With a little trace of disappointment, Gary assures his friend to move on and forget the issue between them.

“Joan, I want to know what the rest of the elders are doing right now. Are they letting Raisen do as she pleases?”

“Apart from the elders that are returning after Jason Hayes’ death, I have no connection with the other three elders who have stayed with Raisen under your brother’s reign as the Owner.”

“Including Shadow, you at least have a relationship with five elders, and it is the same with Raisen. Light is following her through the same interest, while the others are bound under a contract or simply owe her some favors.”

Shadow's mind wanders to the possibility of his master returning as the silent assassin as he listens to Gary's assumption about the possible side elders of the Black Circle have chosen.

“Master, will you make your own move with the elders who are on Raisen’s side? If you plan to do so, I am going to assist you in every way I can.”

Gary is just looking at Shadow with an empty glare. He looks uninterested in answering the question.

“I’m nothing but a ghost, Shadow. I don’t plan to do anything except protect my daughter. Of course, it’s going to change if my brother shows himself again on the surface. As for Raisen and the rest of the elders, I will put my faith in Selina to kill them all, if that is something she wishes for. The favor I ask from you two is for her to realize that both of you are my acquaintances, not enemies, as per Jason’s descriptions.”

Upon hearing Gary’s word, cold swears slide down from behind his neck, displaying how anxious he is from the word description.

“Description? What is this description you are talking about, Gary?”

“He left an amusing book for Selina to read. It contains the full names of the elders of Black Circle and also information about the appointment of two new elders. There was also a tiny bit of history about me and Jason, from our teenage years to the days we followed Raisen to the Black Circle.”

“Did Jason write something about-”

“You can relax, Joan; he inserts nothing about the name of the family member or the possible location to find them.”

Joan says nothing afterward, only the expression of relief on his face that he is responding to Gary’s calming remark. The shadow on the other side has troubled himself with deep thought.

'Why Master didn't get rid of the book and leave a note as a clue for Selina Hayes to understand the game she was in.'

Drowned in his own speculation about what his master decision has made, Shadow fails to realize the stares directed at him by Gary a while ago. Thus, in a cold voice, Gary speaks to him.

“I purposely left the book behind, letting Selina know how both I and Jason started down this path. Surely, the first-ever story Selina wishes to hear after making contact with Joan is a verification of what Jason has written there, and the most important thing is that my daughter will ask how exactly I died. “

“Forgive me, Master, I didn’t mean to doubt your judgment. However, leaving one or two clues for your daughter will not involve yourself directly in her fight.”

“You do not understand, Shadow. If I were to give Selina clues, her state of mind would crumble and she might lose all the logic she has from realizing the unacceptable truth. Being a skilled assassin isn’t a guarantee for someone to be able to face the hideous truth of someone she will never bare her fangs against.”

“I… didn’t think of such a situation happening at Selina Hayes. It seems I misunderstood and thought that killing ability is similar to mental ability. Forgive me, Master Gary.” 

“Now-now, let’s stop our little quarrel here! Mon ami, should I go outside to meet Selina, and listen to what kind of answer she wants to know from me?”

“Don’t do anything unnecessary, Joan!”

“I will follow your instruction; however, I'm not going to refuse if she asks me about the history we have with Gary.” He teased Joan with small giggles. When he has finished, he switches to giving instructions to Shadow. “Shadow, I have to ask you to stick around to monitor Raisen’s movements and do what you can to make sure Axel Brainer’s life is free from her grasp at the next appointment.”

“Yes, elder Joan.”

“You have anything to add, Gary?”

Gary simply shakes his head, showing he has agreed with Joan's decisions. “I take my leave for now but I will make sure to come again to see the two of you here.”

“You better show up later, or this old friend of yours will track you down.” Joan replied with a threat.

Gary's smile was put on by listening to Joan's response to his farewell. He still remembers the exact farewell from the last time they walked down a different path.

“What a nostalgic farewell, Joan. I can’t believe you still remember the way you sent me off ten years ago.”

“It is not a simple farewell, mon ami. That is how my family expresses the close relationship we share with someone else. Just like ten years ago, I will find you again if something ever happens to you.”

Gary wears his hoodie to cover his whole face and says, “You have my thanks, Joan, and I'll see you later, Shadow.”

The ghost has exited the hideout in less attractive as he wanted, yet fate is playing tricks on him through the gift of seeing her daughter’s silhouette.

He mutters those words which every father will say to their grown-up daughter, “You have grown into such a fine woman, my panda.”


'What was that?'

Out of nowhere, a shiver has touched Selina’s back, and the instinct she has made her turn back to check the surroundings.

'There's nothing down there, but for a split second, I feel like someone is staring at me with a cold stare. Should I call it off and return?'

She starts feeling restless from staying in close range within the enemy’s territory. Patiently waiting for five hours and still couldn’t see the presence she was hoping for. With an unsuccessful plan, Selina has chosen to pack her stuff and get ready to leave her spying nest until the mumbled sounds have reached her ears.

“Shadow, we shall part ways here for now. I expect you to fulfill your task and I will do mine according to the agreement."

“Yes, elder, I shall proceed according to the plan.”

He ends the talk with a gesture of respect, leaving the elder all by himself. The elder did a similar thing and walked further away from the current location.

“I have to maximize this opportunity.”

Selina follows the man in silence, like a stray black cat. She has not yet decided the right time to show herself in front of the man she has followed. This person does not look harmful, but how he was referred to as elder by Shadow is a reality that makes her keep the guard up all the time.

After walking quiet, a distance from the previous location, the mysterious elder stops himself. He turns back and mumbles something, “How long do you plan on following an old person like me, young lady?”

Selina is not sure how to respond to this unexpected development. Her mind is unusually blank right now; she was sure to follow him as carefully as she could, yet she has been discovered by this person.

“If you have nothing to talk about with me, I suggest you to leave. Today is a delightful day for me, and I do not want to ruin it by dirtying my hand.”

'Now or never'

Selina presents herself in front of this man together with a question that represents her desire. 

“Gary Leonard Hayes! Tell me everything you know about him and I let you unscratched.”

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