
Hundred and Forty-Five


It was bone-chilling to see Amelia's expression when she realized the game was over. It was like she had been wearing a mask which had suddenly come off. Now I could clearly see what lay beneath the facade she presented to the world. The sight made me shiver and I unconsciously shifted close to Dimitri who gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. Amelia, teeth bared, kept looking around like a trapped animal searching for a means of escape.

"There's no way out now," Dimitri said, leaving the sofa to stand in front of her. "You can't escape so bury that thought."

"Why?" I said, the question drawn from my lips before I even thought of it. Everyone turned to look at me but I had eyes only for Amelia, the woman who was my mother but had done things to hurt me more than anyone in this world. "Why do you hate me so much? Why... all this? How could you-"

"You know nothing!" she declared vehemently. "So don't you think you can sit there and judge me when you don't know half of what happ
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