
Shadow Moon
Shadow Moon
Author: Dabriaaikoo

Chapter One: A New Beginning

Chapter One: A New Beginning

Aqua’s heart raced as she walked through the imposing iron gates of Crestwood High. Another town, another school, another chance to start over—if only it were that simple. At 5'10", her presence commanded attention, but she preferred to stay unnoticed. Her dark skin glowed under the morning sun, and her eyes, a striking shade of amber, held secrets untold. She pulled her hood tighter, hoping to shield herself from the prying eyes she could already feel on her.

She sighed, remembering the last town, the last school, the last narrow escape. The coven was always a step behind her, their sinister intentions cloaked in shadow but ever-present. She couldn’t afford to grow attached, couldn’t afford to make friends or enemies. But she knew this routine all too well. Blend in, keep your head down, and move on before anyone gets too close.

As she walked down the bustling hallway, murmurs and whispers followed her. She was used to it. She didn't  just blend in. She found her locker and fumbled with the combination, her hands trembling slightly. As she opened it, she caught a glimpse of herself in the small mirror inside. Her long, curly silver hair cascaded down her back like molten moonlight, shimmering with an otherworldly glow. It was the kind of hair that defied explanation, the kind that drew eyes and sparked curiosity exactly what she didn't need.

“I’m Damon. Just thought I’d introduce myself. You’re new here, and this place can be a bit overwhelming.” His smile was warm, but there was something else in his gaze, something that made her wary. Was it curiosity? Interest? Whatever it was, it made her heart race, and not just from fear.

“Thanks. I’ll be fine,” she said, turning back to her locker in a bid to end the conversation. But Damon wasn’t so easily deterred.

“You know, you’ve got this mysterious vibe going on. People are already talking about you.” He leaned against the locker next to hers, his eyes never leaving her face.

“Let them talk,” she said with a shrug, trying to keep her cool.

“Most people would be freaked out by that,” Damon observed. “You’re not like most people, are you?”

Aqua met his gaze, her amber eyes locking onto his. “No, I’m not,” she said, a hint of a smile playing on her lips despite herself. She turned back to her locker, hoping he would take the hint and leave her alone.

But Damon only seemed more intrigued. “Well, if you need anything—or if you just want someone to show you around—let me know.”

Aqua nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Damon’s presence was unsettling there was something off about him. He was good looking but she couldn't afford distractions.

As she made her way to her first class, she could feel Damon’s eyes on her, watching her every move. She slipped into a seat at the back of the room, hoping to go unnoticed. But Damon’s words echoed in her mind. “You’re not like most people, are you?”

If only he knew how true that was. As the teacher droned on about the syllabus, Aqua’s mind wandered. She was different, and that difference was both her curse and her strength. She had powers she barely understood and a past she couldn’t escape.

The day dragged on, a blur of faces and names she wouldn’t remember. But Damon was a constant. He seemed to be everywhere, always watching, always smiling. She couldn’t shake the feeling that he knew more than he was letting on. And that both intrigued and terrified her.

When the final bell rang, Aqua gathered her things and made a beeline for the exit. She needed to get home, needed to find some semblance of safety. As she stepped outside, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned, her heart leaping into her throat, only to find Damon standing there.

“Hey, I thought you might need a ride,” he said, his smile disarming.

Aqua hesitated. She didn’t want to be rude, but she couldn’t afford to let anyone get close. “Thanks, but I’m good.”

Damon raised an eyebrow. “You sure? It’s a long walk, and I don’t mind.”

“I’m sure,” she said firmly, pulling away from his grasp. “But thanks.”

Damon watched her go, his expression unreadable as the first droplets of rain began to fall, patterning softly against the pavement. Aqua hesitated, feeling the cold dampness seep into her clothes, weighing her down. She could have stopped the rain with her powers, commanded the clouds to part and the sky to clear, but she didn't know how. Instead, she accepted Damon's offer of a ride, a decision that filled her with both relief and uncertainty.

Damon's pickup truck was a rugged beast of metal and muscle, its faded blue paint dulled by years of weathering. Despite its rough exterior, the interior was surprisingly cozy, the seats worn but comfortable, the air thick with the scent of leather and engine oil. Aqua couldn't help but notice the small details—the way the dashboard was littered with crumpled receipts and loose change, the faint hum of the engine as it idled at stoplights, the soft crackle of the radio as old blues tunes filled the air.

And then there was Damon himself, his presence filling the small space with a warmth that seemed to chase away the chill of the rain-soaked night. He smelled good, a subtle blend of cedarwood and spice that wrapped around Aqua like a comforting embrace.

As they neared her house, nestled deep within the forest on the outskirts of town, Aqua felt a pang of regret. She should have stopped Damon sooner, insisted that he drop her off at the gate. But the allure of his company, the warmth of his presence, had clouded her judgment.

"Here's good," she said suddenly, her voice breaking the silence that had settled between them.

Damon glanced at her, his dark eyes searching hers for answers she couldn't give. Without a word, he pulled over to the side of the road, the headlights casting long shadows in the rain-soaked darkness.

Aqua opened the door and stepped out into the cool night air, the rain still falling softly around her. She turned to face Damon, her heart heavy with unspoken words.

"Thanks for the ride," she said quietly, her voice barely audible above the sound of the rain.

Damon nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Anytime," he said, his voice warm and reassuring.

As Aqua watched him drive away, she couldn't shake the feeling that she had made a mistake, that she had let her guard down when she shouldn't have. But as she walked the rest of the way to her house, the rain washing away the traces of doubt and regret, she couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope stirring deep within her. Perhaps Damon was different, perhaps he was someone she could trust. Only time would tell.

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