
Meeting the Boss

Once they arrived at their destination, Rebecca was guided out of the car towards their supposed hideout. The bag and blindfold were still on her, to her dismay. Though she supposed it was better having them on. At least to avoid noticing whatever unwanted gaze will be on her. Much like one certain gaze she could feel behind her.

“You’re kind of slowing down back here. Come on, pick up the pace,” the owner of said gaze told her, giving her a slap on her butt.

Rebecca let out a yelp from the smack, and felt her face collide against someone’s back, coming to a stop.

“Do you have a death wish or something?” the man in front questioned, sending chills to her spines from the cold tone he used.

“What? She was moving a bit slow,” the man behind her claimed.

Rebecca, however, knew that was but a lie, given how close the man in front of her was. She couldn’t be that slow, and she hoped he knew that as well.

“Boner, I know you are new here and that you have yet to meet our lord. However, if you think you can keep up with these half-truths, you have no idea what he is capable of,” the man in front warned, to her slight relief and curiosity, as well as slight astonishment.

‘Boner? That is his name?’

Rebecca could hear a scoff behind her, as Boner retorted, “And I should be scared of him, Retchet? Last I heard, that so called ‘leader’ is nothing more than a boy. I don’t see what any of you have to fear for, even with his blood.”

While Rebecca’s curiosity rose from the claim, a sigh was heard from the front. “If you think there is nothing about him to fear, then do as you please. Do not say I did not warn you. Now come. We have kept him waiting long enough.”

At the sound of footsteps leaving, Rebecca hastily followed after the man in front of her, wanting to be away from the one behind her. She did not know what her fate entails, being here, but she hoped it was not one that involved Boner, or whatever thoughts he has of her.

Some time of walking later- a walk that included going down some stairs, in which Rebecca had to be careful of, especially with Boner- the girl felt they finally came to a stop, with the bag finally removed from her head.

“This is the girl, my lord,” Retchet introduced.

At the last two words, Rebecca flinched. Reminded of who she was in the presence of, and glad he did not remove the blindfold on her. With how frightening these men look, even if the leader is said to be a child, who knows how he truly looks, to control even some of these guys.

“Retchet, aren’t you supposed to be a gentleman? You need to remove the blindfold, too,” Boner said, ripping the cover off her.

Rebecca’s eyes adjusted to the light, as she glanced up to see the leader of this mafia group. The fear she felt turned into that of shock as she laid eyes on the man before her. He was not a child as she had assumed him to be- not from how Boner was mocking him. Rather, he was a young man her age, and not just any young man, either.

‘Why?’ she wondered, her shock still growing. ‘Why is he here?!’

“This is the girl?” he asked.

“Yes, Lord Christian, sir,” Retchet answered, confirming this man’s identity to Rebecca. “Rebecca Kells. Daughter of Harold Kells. The man who has been owing us much money we had been landing him.”

Eyes narrowed at the identity of Rebecca’s father, sending more chills down her spine from the glare. “The same man who is also the former treasurer of Riverdale Corp,” he more stated than questioned. In a tone that sent more fear to Rebecca than she thought possible. Especially from him.

“Yes, sir. He also offered to sell her to you to pay off the debt he owes,” Retchet added, resulting in a sigh from their leader.

“So the guy is that much of a scum after all. Figures,” he said. Rebecca did not know why, but she felt a bit irritated at the insult directed to her father. Even if it was true.

“But we are still going to keep her, right boss?” Boner asked, sending a different sort of chill to Rebecca, who trembled under his lustful gaze. “It’d be such a huge waste, otherwise. And he did sell her to us.”

“‘He’ sold her, you say?” Christian repeated, eyes narrowed. “Retchet. Was that truly what happened? That man sold his daughter to us?”

“To be exact, he offered to sell her to us. You only ordered us to bring her here,” he clarified.

"That was what I thought. Now tell me, Retchet. Has there ever been a time when that was equivalent to a sale having been done?”

“There has never been such.”

At the last response, Rebecca turned her gaze to Retchet in confusion and back to Christian. If she was not here to finalize the ‘sale’, then why did he ask for her presence?

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Alpha. Don’t you think you got it all wrong here?”

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