
We cant be together

She steered her neck and asked again, looking him in the eyes, "Why do you need to control yourself?"

His intense gaze danced across her face. "You are not the kind of woman I spend time with, Laaya."

The sentence pierced through her heart, and her face visibly fell, she lowered her eyes, 'what exactly does he mean by "not the type of woman he spends time with?' staring at his chest, and asked again,"what kind of woman do you think I am, then?"

Iden took a few steps backwards and said, "You are the kind of woman a man would want to bring home, introduce to his parents, closest friends, and family members; you are the kind of woman he would want to flaunt at parties, hold hands with, and declare to the world, "I am married to this woman, she is mine; do not even dare to look at her." You are the kind of woman, princess, that a man like me could forget about all the attractive women out there and return home early every single night just to fuck his wife."

Once more turning aro
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