

In a rich, quiet estate nestled within the bustling metropolis of New York City, a mailman pedaled furiously on his bike, tossing newspapers with precision at the opulent doorsteps of each luxurious mansion. His movements were a symphony of grace and purpose, the morning air vibrating with the soft thud of the newspapers landing in perfect alignment with their intended destinations. As the newspapers settled, a sense of anticipation permeated the surroundings, as if the delivery of the news held a profound significance that transcended the mundane act.

One such newspaper, propelled by an unexpected gust of wind, sailed through an open window, narrowly missing the owner of a grand mansion, Asmodeus, the former king of hell. Startled by the unexpected intrusion, Asmodeus emerged from his abode, his imposing figure exuding an air of regal authority. His piercing gaze bore witness to the headline that had disrupted his solitude: "Valentine is coming. Where is your lover? Don't be sitting
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