
Battle Ground

As the Christmas season approached, the festivities had already commenced in Asmo's opulent mansion. The six brothers, joined by a group of elegantly dressed women, were gathered to celebrate Asmo's remarkable recovery.

Asmo stood tall and resolute, a stark contrast to the frail figure that had languished in a hospital bed not long ago. His once-pallid complexion now bore a healthy glow, a testament to his remarkable recovery from the brink of death. The gauntness that had hollowed his cheeks had been replaced by a renewed vitality, and his formerly weakened frame now exuded a quiet strength.

Gone was the languid air that had clung to him during his convalescence, replaced by a newfound vigor that seemed to emanate from every pore. His movements were fluid and purposeful, a far cry from the feebleness that had marked his struggle for survival. Asmo's eyes, once dulled by the specter of mortality, now sparkled with a fierce determination, reflecting the indomitable spirit that had prop
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