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In a sprawling, dimly lit parking lot on the outskirts of the city, Asmo and Maria materialized, their breaths visible in the cold night air. As they cautiously surveyed their surroundings, a sense of urgency hung in the air, mingling with the tension that crackled between them. The distant hum of traffic served as a stark contrast to the eerie stillness that enveloped the desolate lot.

Asmo, his senses on high alert, sought to ensure that his brothers and their relentless minions had not followed them. His attempt to utilize his "Smoke Trail Style" teleportation had yielded unexpected results, leaving him with a profound surge of power that seemed to elevate him beyond imagination. Maria, ever watchful and apprehensive, stood by his side, her eyes reflecting a mixture of concern and defiance.

Realizing that his ploy might buy them some time from his relentless siblings, Asmo sought out a car to commandeer. Despite Maria's objections, he revealed the true nature of the parking lot – i
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