
Dinner Gathering.

Lauren watched her phone ring, unsure if she should feel privileged that the almighty Malcolm Knight was calling her for the first time or if she should feel downcast that it actually took him close to three months after their marriage before bothering to ring her up. Shifting her conflicted feeling aside, she answered the phone.

  “We have a dinner gathering to attend tonight.” He said without preamble, his voice just as icy as usual.

  “I don’t want to go to any—“

  “It wasn’t a suggestion. It’s an order. You are my wife and will do as I say!” He growled.

She rolled her eyes, a part of her knowing he felt it wherever he was, “I thought this marriage was supposed to be a secret.” It wasn’t everyday she got to peeve the unfeeling man so it was best to make use of the opportunity whenever it came.

  “It’s just a few confidential business partners and their dates. Moreover, a lady doesn’t have to be my wife to be my date.”


sorry for the extremely short chapter pals... I was in a hurry to post before I run out of battery... Love you all

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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Couldn’t professionals see she was wearing a mask? Sorry but…that mask is just so far out there. Too sci-fi for me.

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